News for November 25 — Thanksgiving 2021: The Idiot Olympics

Thanksgiving 2021 – The Idiot Olympics, Part 1: Political resistance to medical science: . America entered 2021 with multiple safe, effective vaccines against a pandemic that had killed 375,000 Americans. America will exit 2021 with more COVID deaths than in 2020. We suffer a second holiday season dominated by death. Reality has concentrated those deaths among those who listen to Fox News instead of science. But the rest of us remain at risk because of this rejection of social responsibility.

Thanksgiving 2021 – The Idiot Olympics, Part 2: GOP constitutional fantasies, OJ uber alles: . The basic structure of the Constitution is 3 independent branches of government with checks and balances. The GOP plan was to re-elect a narcissistic idiot with antipathy toward everyone. The people threw that bum out. Live with it. Well, or die from COVID.

Thanksgiving 2021 – The Idiot Olympics, Part 3: The white “vigilantes” “almost got away with” murdering Ahmed Arbery: . Never forget.

Thanksgiving 2021 – The Idiot Olympics, Part 4: Rittenhouse looks to monetize murder and poor judgment: . This tragic episode now contains an utterly and completely disgusting comment on America’s culture of fame and fortune.

Thanksgiving 2021 – The Idiot Olympics, Part 5: Howard Stern says he can save America as President: . Just say no.

Thanksgiving 2021 – The Idiot Olympics, Part 6: You can be fired for refusing to work on Thanksgiving: . Federal holidays do not guarantee you a day off. However, more major retailers have closed for Thanksgiving Day this year.

Teen COVID booster debate: . Certainly this needs to be a data-driven decision.

Australia investigates new African COVID variant: . WSJ: More: . Global markets drop over variant concerns:

Germany marks 100,000 COVID deaths: . Germany (100,796) is the fifth European country to hit this mark, after Russia (269,057), the United Kingdom (144,433), Italy (133,486) and France (118,777). Note that the total for these five countries (766,549) is below US total COVID deaths of 798,551. These five countries have a total population of 340,219,902, which exceeds the US population of 333,757,717. However, Europe now accounts for nearly 2/3 of new infections worldwide: . WSJ: More: . The variety of COVID measures in the various countries is reminiscent of the variations between US states.

WSJ: US job quits by state: .

WSJ: Physical store locations back in style: .

Maybe the Petito case won’t fade away just yet: . So the only individuals who would seem chargeable would be Laundrie’s parents. They may have withheld evidence from authorities.

Encouraging news from scummy Marjorie Taylor Greene about scummy Kevin McCarthy: . To quote Nancy Pelosi, “Kevin is such a moron.” He should never be Speaker. However, this fail seems like the perfect reward for his disgusting OJ bootlicking.

Egypt unveils newly renovated Avenue of the Sphinxes: . Luxor also contains the famous Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens. These burial sites are absolutely spectacular. At least in the past, you were allowed to wander freely among the ruins, a truly incredible experience, as well as access many of the tombs.