News for January 19 — Pills to Prevent Long COVID

Pills to prevent long COVID: . This neglected topic could form the lasting legacy of COVID if we do not move to prevent this affliction.

Protecting the immunocompromised from COVID: .

Meanwhile, about 25% of unvaccinated Americans still don’t know they’re eligible for another COVID booster: . Really? Do you know who’s President right now?

Latest China COVID death estimate: 608,000: . As we have said repeatedly, the “expert” estimates of 1 to 1.5 million COVID deaths from China’s drop of Zero COVID seem way too low. At least one of the “experts” is now coming around. More: . This article mentions our previously reported estimate from Affinity that COVID deaths will peak in China next week at 36,000 a day. So, at the least, Affinity estimates that China will pass 800,000 COVID deaths before the end of January.

China just keeps making up fictional figures: . Sigh…

Japan to downgrade COVID to flu status: . Obviously, this mistake will cost lives in Japan. However, at least Japanese citizens are better vaccinated than the Chinese and have some natural immunity to COVID, so they do not face the Chinese disaster. Please note carefully one comment in the article: Japan’s current wave is the eighth wave in that country. We are seeing just the beginning of suffering in China. Will it be enough to loosen Xi’s grip on the country? We will see.

WSJ: FDA requests more data on latest Alzheimer’s drug: .

WSJ: Weekly jobless claims drop to 190,000: . Shouldn’t all these tech layoffs cause these numbers to start to rise?

The debt ceiling politics, explained: . This really is all you need to know. At some point, the Senate GOP must tell the House GOP not to take the country over a cliff. While Kevin has something less than plant material for a brain, it seems likely that more than 5 members of his caucus will join with House Democrats to prevent a default. So Kevin can get even weaker … seems impossible, doesn’t it? Where are the House GOP moderates, anyway? WSJ: More: .

Jamie Dimon sees Fed interest rate going above 5% because of “sticky” inflation: . As readers know, this has been my viewpoint for many months. There is still nothing in the economic data to drive a different conclusion.

WSJ: Japan’s core inflation highest in 40 years: . Again, we face not only a US recession, but a global recession.

WSJ: FTX bankruptcy chief open to restarting FTX: . Sure. I won’t even do business with Wells Fargo …

Ukraine and Russia need ammunition: . One head-spinning fact in this article: In one World War II siege, the Russians fired 500,000 artillery rounds in 30 minutes! Tanks for Ukraine: . WSJ: More: . More: . The BBC specifics are very helpful in understanding Western countries’ resolve to help Ukraine defeat Russia.

Protests move into Peru’s capital: . The situation in Peru becomes more chaotic …

Biden pushes back on classified documents questions: . Again, this issue has gained public attention because of the ridiculous behavior of Orange Julius. So does anyone not understand that self-disclosure of a handful of documents is not in the same ballpark as willful refusal to return hundreds of documents requested by the government for over a year? I mean, besides the House GOP?

Alec Baldwin to be charged with involuntary manslaughter in “Rust” shooting: . At present, this charge strikes me as a head-scratcher. So the key issue remains: how did live ammunition get onto the set? There is no (public) evidence that anyone wanted injury or death to result. Could Baldwin be considered negligent because as executive producer he did not insure that the most competent people were hired to handle the firearms? More: . WSJ: More: .

Attorney for 6-year-old’s family says gun in school shooting was “secured”: . As confused as I am by the Alec Baldwin charge, I am dumbfounded by this statement. A 6-year-old ended up with the family’s loaded handgun in his first grade class, where he shot his teacher. By definition, the gun was not “secured”. My idea of “secured” is locked in a childproof safe. So who took the child to school? And why is there a 9mm in a house with a child suffering from an “acute disability”? WSJ: More: .

George Santos denies the drag queen allegation: . When you’ve buried yourself under an avalanche of lies, disputing one snowflake won’t save you. By the way, in Spanish “Santos” means Saints …

January 6 insurrectionist at Pelosi’s desk embarrasses himself at trial: . The article gives the important context that the prosecutor was trying to establish that “Bigo” tells white lies. It’s a clever trick. But very few people know offhand what the Third Amendment says. However, more weirdly, “Bigo” apparently tried to copyright the note he left on Pelosi’s desk.

Federal judge squeezes Orange Julius and lawyer for $1 million in sanctions over Clinton lawsuit: . So this represents the judicial equivalent of a blood bath. Judge Middlebrooks says this litigation stream from OJ interferes with the constitutional duties of the federal judiciary. Ouch! Once again, Rule No 1: Don’t piss off the judge! And, yes, I looked: Judge Middlebrooks has been on the federal bench for over 25 years, appointed by William Jefferson Clinton: .

WSJ: Brits face selling their ancestral homes: .

Flint water crisis drags on: . We won World War II, right? And put a man on the moon in 1969. But we can’t protect the people of Flint, Michigan, from lead poisoning the government created in 2014? This is so wrong …

WSJ: The wildest NFL play this season: .

WSJ: They’re still playing soccer in the Middle East: .

The blonde moose: . Um, is this vet really an expert on moose survival? Judging by the size of the animal, it does not appear to have any particular survival issues other than some idiot human shooting it …

Giant (juvenile) squid video: . This “juvenile” is 8 feet long …

David Crosby passes at 81: . About 9 years ago, I was at a business conference in Chicago when a snowstorm approached. I snuck out to try to catch an earlier flight to Portland, and got out before the storm hit. On (delayed) landing, I hopped in my car and drove directly to downtown Portland, in time to use my concert ticket for Crosby, Stills & Nash in a small theater here. Tonight that feels like one of the best decisions ever. More: . WSJ: More: .

Note to Readers: I’m heading out tomorrow for 5 days in Southern California for a college ceremony/reunion and some activities which may be off the grid, so if a newsletter or three doesn’t get out, you’ll know why. Things should get back to the daily routine next Thursday, January 26.