News for September 13 — Pharmacies Prepare for COVID Boosters

Pharmacies prepare for COVID boosters: .

Interrupting COVID’s replication: .

Gene variant offers disease protection: Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are very different diseases. We may be glimpsing gene therapy that can improve the health of entire populations. Also, the protection is related to the immune system. This increases the suspicion that reducing inflammation is key to longevity.

WSJ: Artificial wombs for preemies: .

WSJ: Healthcare corruption in China: . Where big money is involved, crooks look for the opportunity to skim. The US has this same problem – Exhibits 1 and 2 are Medicare and Medicaid fraud.

Botulism outbreak in Bordeaux: . The bar self-canned sardines? Is this legal in France? Here is yet another reason to prefer Italy (the main one being it doesn’t involve the French).

Raw oysters kill Texas man: . I do like raw oysters, but not enough to risk this. Both in South Carolina and here in the West, Whole Foods has been a reliable supplier of safe oysters, should you go for home consumption.

Inflation surges again: . I agree that a pattern of a rate pause followed by a 25 basis point increase is likely until inflation retreats again toward 2%. However, note that gas prices are part of this spike, which is not part of the Fed’s measure of core inflation. WSJ: More: .

Federal judge again declares DACA illegal: . WSJ: More: . The failure of Congress to act is not only irresponsible, it is morally reprehensible.

End of Pennsylvania escape drama: . WSJ: More: . Given how many times this guy was sighted, I’m surprised that heat infrared technology was not used to effectively locate him earlier. Ditto for dogs. However, the episode is now over.

Ukrainian drone attack hammers Russian Black Sea shipyard: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Ukraine holds Kupyansk: .

That’s it for Mitt: . WSJ: More: . Sadly, this probably means division in government will get worse. Romney is one of about 7 GOP Senators who at least considers what Democrats have to say. As a former governor, he understands and is committed to governance, a rare commodity among GOP Senators. I’m not a fan, but his contribution will be missed.

USA Today: We have no clue concerning impeachment: The author has utterly no idea how impeachment works. Impeachment is based on “high crimes and misdemeanors”, according to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution. The House has the power to bring bills of impeachment, but the Senate has sole authority to convict (Article 1, Section 3). Historically there have been 8 convictions, all of federal judges. Conviction requires a 2/3 majority. With the Senate split essentially 50-50, there will be no convictions in the foreseeable future.

There are also not enough votes in the House to currently impeach Biden. That’s because after 8+ months of searching, there’s no evidence to support a bill of impeachment. Many moderate GOP members realize that voting for impeachment could cost them their swing district seats.

McCarthy authorized this fishing expedition to placate the Freedom Caucus, a group of about 20 far-right self-involved lunatics (yes, there’s plenty of evidence: ). Some believe this is McCarthy’s strategy to get Freedom Caucus support to avoid a government shutdown. Let’s just say that “McCarthy’s strategy” and “Freedom Caucus support” are both currently regarded as oxymorons.

The Freedom Caucus – We’re Free to Be Dumb.

GOP Presidential hopefuls compete in the Idiot Olympics’ Cow Pie Toss: . So Ramaswamy wants to cut 75% of the federal workforce. Is the military involved in this? The border patrol? The Agriculture Department? This idiot apparently does not realize the federal government does things conservatives like. Meanwhile, DeMentis wants to cut entire departments, including the IRS. So how do you collect taxes, Ron? This clown show will be over within 8 months.

WSJ: We’re even more clueless than Vivek: . No, Vivek cannot be elected president. He’s fourth in the GOP primary, says crazy things, and can’t gain any support outside the GOP. Also, the person with the shorter name typically wins the presidential election. Ramaswamy? Fuhgeddaboudit.

Orange Julius waives right to speedy trial: . This is of little legal consequence. Unless OJ has a good reason for severance from the trial set for October 23, he will have that trial date. Also, as the article notes, the government likely has strong reasons for trying everyone together.

Judge Cannon finally begins taking control of classified documents case: . No, OJ, you can’t review the classified evidence at Mar-a-Lago (DUH!). This may be the more important point: The judge also pointed out that the volume of classified documents (about 3,500 pages) is the standard capacity of a banker’s box. That implies she is expecting prompt review.

New Taco Bell slogan – “Come for the Crunch”: . Probably not a good idea when it involves your car.