News for May 23 — Pfizer Vaccine Protects Small Children

Pfizer vaccine protects small children: . Three shots provide effective protection for kids under 5. More: . WSJ: More: .

Children’s liver disease theories: . The involvement of adenovirus remains the leading theory, but there is no understanding of the disease mechanism. Interestingly, the recent increase in numbers of cases globally comes from examination of past unexplained cases rather than new patients.

WSJ: Philadelphia reinstates school mask policy: .

Monkeypox cases likely transmitted sexually: . Monkeypox transmission occurs by close contact. This article strongly supports our previous speculation that the disease was being transmitted through male homosexual contact.

China keeps struggling with Zero COVID: . As we have repeatedly observed, you’re not saving face by insisting on staying with a failed policy.

China’s failure to adopt mRNA vaccines has undermined its COVID response: . Total agreement here.

North Korea reports no new “fever” deaths: . But as we have repeatedly observed over the past two weeks, North Korea’s reported figures make absolutely no sense.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues to crawl: . However, Russian artillery continues to pound towns in the east (Donbas), while the Ukrainians do not appear able to mount significant counteroffensives. The question is now whether the Ukrainians can knock out Russian tanks and artillery before they level the Donbas region.

The world is shipping high-tech weapons to the Ukrainians: . While the US is coordinating this effort, Russia is now in a proxy war with the developed nations in Ukraine. With the allies focused on sophisticated artillery warfare, things look bad for the Russian forces.

Ukrainian intelligence chief claims there was an assassination attempt on Putin two months ago: . Note that the reporting newspaper is Ukraine Pravda, “Pravda” being the Russian (and apparently Ukrainian) word for “truth”. Now, in the English-speaking world, we don’t usually name a newspaper “truth”. However, Orange Julius named his Twitter knock-off “Social Truth”. For those of you in the GOP, this is not a coincidence.

Today’s dose of inspiration from Ukraine: . The JFK Profiles in Courage awards were given last night; the link is to the ceremony. Unusually, an international figure received the award – President Zelensky of Ukraine.

Zelensky was represented in person by a Ukrainian diplomat. His presentation begins at 49 minutes of the video, and I encourage you to watch from that point until his comment about a minute in. For those of you who can’t wait, here is what he said: “Russia’s army was declared the second-best army in the world, but it turned out to be only the second-best army in Ukraine.” Again, I encourage you to watch, and hear the audience reaction.

Bipartisan Congressional support for extending NATO membership to Finland and Sweden: .

Georgia GOP voters turning against Orange Julius: . OJ’s preoccupation with the 2020 election, where he flipped two GOP seats blue, is irritating GOP voters, who would like to move on.

Michigan elections board tosses 5 GOP candidates for governor: . This level of fraudulent signature submission is unheard of. Also, I have no idea what the GOP lawyer is talking about. If the candidates were “victims” of fraudulent signature collection, that is entirely their problem and does not entitle them to a place on the ballot.