News for June 1 — Pfizer Seeks Preschooler Vaccine Approval

WSJ: Pfizer seeks preschooler vaccine approval: .

Shanghai reopening continues: .

WHO doubts North Korean claims that COVID situation is improving: . Me too.

Austin is largest US city to challenge Census results: .

Today’s senseless tragedy: At least 4 dead in Tulsa hospital shooting: . WSJ: More: . So these shooters always seem to choose soft targets housing vulnerable people. However, it remains the policy of the GOP that these mentally ill cowards have the right to bear arms, which in any sane society they do not.

Indeed, the GOP even today is working to expand gun “rights”: . Again, any sane person would not want guns present in schools, with the possible exception of arming a trained school safety officer. Would the teachers wear these guns in a holster, or put them in a locked or unlocked drawer? This pure insanity decreases safety.

WSJ: Russia’s military facing mass refusal to obey orders: .