News for February 11 — Pfizer Delays Toddler Vaccine Submission

Pfizer delays toddler vaccine submission: . The problem is to downsize the dose for safety but not understimulate the immune response. WSJ: More: .

COVID can destroy the placenta: . The balance of the data was already strongly in favor of vaccinating expectant mothers. However, this tips the scale even farther. In the still birth cases examined, in many cases over 90% of the placenta was destroyed.

Nearly a third of COVID patients over 65 have delayed medical conditions: . As 30% of all patients have long COVID symptoms, this indicates older adults suffer a similar incidence of delayed medical conditions as all adult patients.

A Japanese reporter’s personal experience with long COVID: . These details of the condition seem horrible. However, the treatment discussion represents new information on addressing the symptoms described.

COVID booster shot protection wanes after about 4 months: . Gee, my booster was in September. What do I do while the government tries to figure this out?

FDA approves Lilly antiviral drug: . The Lilly drug is effective against the BA1 and BA2 Omicron variants.

NYC to terminate its 3,000 unvaccinated employees: .

School masking debate continues: .

Alabama starts to come to terms with 1865: . DREW CRITICISM??? Even for the brain dead, this is a revolting understatement of their appalling lack of judgment.

The incompetent judge: . When a lower court judge defied both precedent and the appeals court, the appeals court pulled him off the case. This provides some perspective on the problems created when there are 4 clowns on the US Supreme Court. For example, Justice Thomas has indicated that the Supreme Court should ignore stare decisis, basically the power of precedent. In my view, the law would then just become the politics of the current appointees. And that is the fear about the Mississippi abortion case and Roe v. Wade in a nutshell.