News for November 1 — Pathetic 2023 COVID Vaccination Results

Pathetic 2023 COVID vaccination results: . Last year at the equivalent time, 23 million had received a booster shot. This year, only 15 million have received the updated shot. Let’s just hope that most of those 15 million are those over 65 and other especially vulnerable people.

WSJ: When to get your fall vaccinations: . Um, it’s fall. Now’s good.

WSJ: US baby mortality rate rose for the first time in 20 years: . This is appalling. Why? In other appalling news, the maternal mortality rate is also rising.

Fed holds rates steady: WSJ: . The Fed makes the expected decision, which is a mistake. More: . Still more: .

WSJ: The unions are winning!: . Did these people just crawl out from under a rock? A majority of workers did not get raises during the pandemic. It’s time to pay them. Again, this is classic wage-push inflation, which is why the Fed’s decision not to raise rates at this time is a mistake.

UK decides to rip off its banks: . So  the government told the banks to make all these loans, and then 2 years later says, Never mind? Crazy stuff …

WSJ: China’s property market problems go on and on: . China is massively overbuilt. The only solutions are to let the market price decline, or to demolish the excess housing. The demolition would literally cover millions of buildings. If Evergrande and Country Garden stock is selling for pennies, the government could buy those companies and then demolish their unsold supply.

US real estate commissions expected to drop: . The idea of a 6% commission on every sales is price gouging. I expect this decision to survive on appeal, and significant restructuring of the industry to occur.

WSJ: US pulled back from gathering intelligence on Hamas after 911: . In retrospect, not a good decision made by … George W. Bush … Somehow the Journal didn’t mention that part.

WSJ: Israel continues to try to eliminate Hamas: .

Two House GOP members decide to escape from Nut World: .

WSJ : Republican senators try to break the Tuberville military promotion blockade, to no avail: .

Orange Julius Jr.’s NY fraud case testimony: . As expected, OJ Jr. channeled Sergeant Schultz: I know nothing. And the sad part is, that’s completely believable and probably true. The three kids had fake EVP jobs just to channel them money.

WSJ: Closing arguments in SBF fraud trial: . Eight billion dollars in client assets disappeared. SBF is not misunderstood.

Human-neutral names for birds: . Okay, this is politically correct. But these people have nothing better to spend their time on?

Co-pilot threatens to shoot pilot on commercial flight: . Between this and last week’s case where the guy in the jump seat tried to shut off the plane’s engines, the skies are getting a lot less friendly.

East Coast bias in all its ignorant self-glorification: . Glad I wrote about the playoff picture yesterday, before this unthinking slop hit the Internet. It is East Coast bias that has put both Michigan and Ohio State in the Top 4 in the first place. This guy’s reasoning is that since they were in the playoffs last year, they should be this year. No one thinks that’s the deal.

To get to his dream East Coast answer, he dismisses Washington’s 8-0 team’s chances to complete the season undefeated because they have a tough schedule. What? They already beat Oregon, which is appropriately still ranked in the Top 10 and is the only one-loss team in the Pac-12. Yes, Washington plays 3 more Pac-12 teams including No. 15 Oregon State and No. 18 Utah. Yes, the Pac-12 is the toughest football conference this year. And that is why Washington should already be in the Top 4.

It’s not fair that a Pac-12 team has to go undefeated to dislodge the loser of the Ohio State-Michigan game to get in. And by the way, when the four former Pac-12 teams join the Big 10/20 next year, they win every match-up against the current Big 10 schools. That won’t shut this fool up, but it’s the right karma. Because very soon young recruits thinking of going to the Big 10/20 will start wondering why they’re freezing their butts off in the Upper Midwest. LA … Eugene … Seattle … versus Columbus and Ann Arbor. Can’t wait …

Bobby Knight passes at 83: . I’m not fond of people who show their temper, let alone ones who can’t control it … WSJ: More: .

Texas Rangers win World Series over Arizona Diamondbacks 4-1 with 5-0 victory in Game 5: . The score is not indicative of the quality of this game, perhaps the best playoff game this year and a fitting end to the Series. The game was scoreless through 6 innings and 1-0 Rangers in the 7th and 8th before the Rangers broke it open with 4 runs in the 9th. WSJ: More: .