News for December 11 — Pandemic Surge in Eating Disorders

Pandemic surge in eating disorders: . As we know, the pandemic disrupted medical treatments as people stayed away from doctors and hospitals from fear of infection. But it also turns out that the disruption in people’s regular schedules caused some people stress which brought on other disorders.

WSJ: An overlooked star in the science behind mRNA vaccines: . Mr. Schrum clearly deserves more recognition. Congratulations to the Journal for publicizing his contributions.

Texas Supreme Court to women: Drop dead: . The plaintiffs wanted the court to say that a good faith belief by a doctor that the procedure was medically necessary would allow use of the abortion law’s exception. The court said no. As a result, the exception is nonexistent as a practical matter. WSJ: More: . Again, the procedure was necessary. Texas just wants to ignore this “problem” with their abortion ban. This is as corrupt a state government as we have among the 50 states.

Sacramento Diocese heads toward bankruptcy: . Reform is needed for the laws allowing the mother church to escape liability for the sins of its diocese, at least when it can be shown the mother church protected the priests involved. The child abuse must stop.

Limiting assault weapons’ lethality: . There is no reason for a private individual to own any military-style automatic weapon, period. However, Justice Scalia put us in Nut World with his opinion in Heller, ignoring the language of the Second Amendment to find an individual right to own a gun. As such, we all must work limiting this invitation to mass murder until more sensible people appear on the Supreme Court.

WSJ: US housing costs rise: . This situation puts cash buyers (like Wall Street) at an advantage to those who need a mortgage.

WSJ: Is it time to move money back into stocks?: . I would caution that many analysts consider the current stock market to be overvalued. As we regularly point out, the Fed cannot cut rates until it is clear the risk of future inflation has passed. We are not there yet. History is likely not a good guide for the unique nature of the current economy. Yes, moving money back into stocks from bonds will be a good move at some point. But timing remains critical. More: WSJ: . The concern about a late-stage economic rally is real.

Occidental buys CrownRock: WSJ: . There’s still big money to be made in oil.

WSJ: US job market cools: . But the job market remains healthy.

WSJ: Is there a difference between business and politics?: . More than 70% of these people are politicians, not CEOs. The Journal becomes increasingly clueless, if that’s possible.

2023 union victories: WSJ: . These victories were hard fought and well deserved. But the expected result includes wage push inflation, because other workers are emboldened by these gains.

WSJ: The future of remote work: . I mostly agree with these comments, but there are some clinkers in here. American cities do not in general have small footprints. San Francisco is a total outlier; Los Angeles is a counterexample in the same state. Rail systems will have to adjust or downsize, but that was coming anyway. Driverless cars are coming, like it or not. I would also suggest that remote work will enable many to start their own businesses and personally enjoy the cost savings available with remote work.

WSJ: Macy’s takeover proposed: . Um, Macy’s has a future? More: .

Israel warns Hezbollah: WSJ: . The Gaza war must be brought to an end in the next few months. Therefore, Hezbollah should not put a target on its back.

WSJ: Zelensky fights for US aid to Ukraine: .

Jack Smith to Supreme Court: Stop the Orange Julius BS: . As readers know, I view this as an easy case, and so apparently does Jack Smith. The bedrock principle of American jurisprudence is that no man, including an orange one, is above the law. Therefore, the suggestion that anyone has absolute immunity for criminal acts is insane.

This, of course, is what OJ’s lawyers have said in filings. Their main objective is to slow the case down. Jack Smith made this filing to pre-empt that crap, in order to preserve his March 4 trial date with Judge Chutkan. So, as usual from Jack Smith, this is a very smart move. UPDATE: The Supreme Court agreed to an expedited schedule to hear Smith’s petition: . WSJ: More: .

Why OJ didn’t testify today in his fraud trial: . As the article notes, there is plenty of evidence that he did personally misrepresent the value of his properties.

WSJ: The Rude Dude circles the drain: . To me, this is like watching NASCAR and rooting for a wreck. It’s coming.

WSJ: DeMentis campaign faces the abyss: . Also, Casey’s stunt didn’t help.

COP28 wobbles toward complete failure: WSJ: . No amount of lobbying reverses the fact that burning fossil fuels releases unacceptable levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. So the world literally has to do better. It was stupid to put the foxes in charge of the henhouse.

WSJ: The Air Force’s national security failures: . However, discipline does not address the existential risks this failure exposed.

WSJ: New chip plant investments in upstate New York: .

Two Megamillions winning tickets sold at the same California gas station: . So I do not remember this situation ever occurring on a major jackpot, let alone one for almost $400 million. The odds of this are indeed astronomical.

Webb telescope: A spectacular supernova’s remnants: .