News for June 14 — Over 109,000 2022 Overdose Deaths

Over 109,000 2022 overdose deaths: .

WSJ: Fed pauses rate hikes for June: . However, Fed officials expect to raise rates by 50 basis points by year-end, which would lead to a rate range of 5.75% to 6.00%. Readers will recall that Larry Summers has in the past predicted an ultimate rate of 6% or more. I initially predicted an ultimate rate of 6% to 7%, and reaffirmed that prediction 6 months ago.

Market unimpressed with Fed action: WSJ: . Remarkably, Greg Ip finally gets one right. As we know, enough monkeys working on typewriters will eventually turn out Shakespeare. This isn’t Shakespeare, but for Greg Ip it is real (if likely temporary) progress.

WSJ: Interest discounting is a complete mystery to us: . That’s why you’re a newspaper (sort of) and not a bond manager. When the highest yield is with short maturities, stay in short maturities. If you’re getting 5%+ in Treasuries, even if you’re paying 1.5% on your savings accounts, you’re making money. Fairly soon, the inversion in the bond market will correct. That’s when you buy long-term bonds. This isn’t rocket science, and the banks should be able to make profitable deals. Provided, of course, they know more about the basics of bonds than the Wall Street Journal.

Belarus receives Russian nuclear weapons: . We hope this is just saber-rattling, but it is dangerous nonetheless.

WSJ: One Russian soldier’s attempt to surrender: . This is really gripping, please watch the videos. You have now personally been to the front.

McCarthy restarts House votes: . Sadly, what is being passed is messaging, and not anything associated with actual governance.

GOP brain trust moves activity to a fact-free world: . CBS tries to educate its viewers, which is not the group that needs education. Leaving that function to Fox-Not-the-News has of course not worked out. WSJ: We try to educate our readers, trying hard not to irritate them with the truth: . A start, but a pitiful one …

GOP brain trust can’t find a spine: . So the result of Republican politics is that no one can say what they know to be true? Since when is someone who can’t say the right thing publicly considered a leader? OF COURSE OJ’s legal troubles are serious. Washington, Jefferson ad Madison didn’t have videotape, radio or television. We’ve all SEEN enough evidence to convict this orange clown of violating national security, attempting to subvert a democratic and fair election which he personally lost, and “leading” an insurrection against the US Capitol.

The Founders would be appalled at the current state of our democracy. They risked their life and wealth to rise up against what was then the world’s superpower over their belief that individuals have a fundamental right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In order to preserve that right for everyone, criminals have to go to jail. Again, the Founders would be appalled at how we are mishandling the principles so many have fought and died for.

Meanwhile, Orange Julius’ lawyer Todd Blanche sued for malpractice: . OJ certainly has the best lawyers willing to work for him …

Also, OJ insists – even to his lawyers – that the classified documents belong to him: . As I’ve said before, many of OJ’s crimes are crimes of ego. We know what he said to his lawyers because the attorney-client privileged was pierced by a court in this case. This happened because the orange client was attempting to use his attorneys in the commission of a crime. That’s why no lawyer with sense will risk his career defending this type of client.

WSJ: We babble about Judge Cannon: . As readers know, I agree with Professor Gillers. This is an easy case. Everyone agrees that Judge Cannon was not impartial in her prior rulings on Orange Julius, and she was slapped down by the 11th Circuit for them. So, reasonable people believe she is not impartial. Get off the case, Aileen – you are already an embarrassment. Do not make it worse.

Smart analysis suggests Jack Smith may have more charges against OJ in his pocket: . The media has widely reported that OJ showed classified material from his document stash to persons with no clearance. This article points out that these actions occurred in New Jersey, and are very serious. Smith may have held this indictable offense for New Jersey (where the behavior occurred) as back-up if Judge Cannon goes off-course in Florida. Smith can with good reason say that the charges should be filed in New Jersey under federal venue standards. More: . This article reinforces the above analysis.

WSJ: Merrick Garland defends Jack Smith: . This is a measured response to OJ’s outrageous behavior.

Poll indicates a large percentage of Americans are weird: . At least Biden has retaken the lead over the GOP “leaders”, but the results remain scary.

More news from Beyond Sanity World: . This “oversight” in the Constitution prevents an individual from conviction on a “trumped-up” charge in order to deny them office. Apparently the English language has predictive characteristics …

“Liberal” media publicizes WSJ editorial lambasting Orange Julius: . And here is the WSJ Board of Editors opinion piece: .

Fox Not-the-News continues its aversion to responsible journalism: . Fox says they addressed the matter but provided no details. They deliver nothing burgers even when reporting on their own aberrant behavior.

WSJ: We completely miss the point on Adam Schiff: . The article ignores the obvious fact that 20 Republicans deserted Kevin McCarthy to support Schiff. They are pointing out to Kevin that kowtowing to the 20-member Freedom Caucus ignores the 200 less conservative members of the GOP House majority.

Grand jury indicts Daniel Penny for chokehold that killed homeless man on subway: . Prosecutors of course conduct grand jury proceedings in secret. No defense is presented. This is a complex case where a public airing of the facts would clarify responsibility. As a very public death is involved, the prosecutor may elect not to offer a plea deal. WSJ: More: .

Pat Sajak replacement list: . Please. The hosting job involves considerable interpersonal skill and humor, which is why they pay Pat Sajak $14 million a year. You want someone who can be a long-time host for the established franchise. I’m not sure Ryan Seacrest is the right choice, but he’s the only sane choice on this list. Keeping Seacrest would make it possible to keep both Vanna and Maggie Sajak involved, if the producers so choose (or contracts require).

The amazing power of photosynthesis: . The creation and use of entangled photons is very impressive.

WSJ: The pavilion effect: . First of all, three pavilions is just nuts – but it’s her million bucks to toss down a rathole. More interesting is the observation that the word “pavilion” comes from the Latin word for butterfly, reflecting the way a pavilion opens, as they derived from tents. Of course this is true – the French word for butterfly is of course “papillon”.

WSJ: Life near Saturn?: . The Journal, NASA, somebody might have mentioned that Enceladus’ surface temperature is -324.4⁰F. Rather clearly, this is not a temperature known to support life.

PGA Commissioner Jay Monahan taking medical leave: . WSJ: More: . Monahan needs time off to get his head examined. The LIV deal betrayed the sport and the players who supported it. This is one of the most horrifying blood money deals of all time. Seriously, I wish Mr. Monahan well with his medical issues, but he took these actions knowing this will now becomes the summary of his life’s work. It is a sad legacy. UPDATE: Others see this as an exit strategy: .