News for November 1 — OSHA Requires Vaccination Paid Time Off

OSHA requires vaccination paid time off: . Companies with more than 100 employees must also give paid time off for side effects of the shot. Advancement of mandates through OSHA is a strong legal strategy against GOP governors’ challenges because OSHA’s right to regulate workplace safety is well established.

WSJ: Amazon allows vaccinated warehouse workers to go maskless: .

WSJ: Vaccine mandate regulations move forward: .

Vaccine mandate critics clog rulemaking process: . Apparently these people want to argue the science or the law.

WSJ: The latest research on long COVID: . Additional recent research on long COVID can be found here.

WSJ: Novavax COVID vaccine cleared for use in Indonesia:

Russian COVID surge keeps on growing: .

WSJ: Chinese lock 30,000 in Shanghai’s Disneyland after one positive COVID case: . This could identify people who entered the park with COVID, but seems useless for those exposed in the park.

Opioid makers avoid liability in California lawsuit: . WSJ: More: . Planned appeals will challenge this lower-level court decision.

WSJ: Manchin raises new doubts about reconciliation package: . So everyone knows Democrats must pass both bills. Tim Kaine’s comments are reassuring, but no one will relax until both packages pass.

GOP nuts accept violence against federal government: . Here’s another nugget Orange Julius has laid in America’s backyard. The sociologists quoted see this as a direct result of OJ’s language and GOP politicians’ failure to push back. One says that OJ has radicalized one-third of the GOP, noting the specific problems with Fox News viewers. These folks tend to be less educated but armed.

Cleveland Guardians sued by Cleveland Guardians: . Given the value of merchandising rights, how could an MLB team fail to discover and resolve this problem? They look to be dead meat in court, so an expensive settlement may be in their future.