News for March 1 — Omicron Mutations Alter Spike Proteins

Omicron mutations alter spike proteins: . Among a variety of interesting points in this article, omicron can better evade antibodies by eliminating structures susceptible to attachment by those antibodies.

New York City to world: What, us worry?: . Good grief. Contact tracing is helpful precisely when the caseload is low, because then it has the greatest effect on reducing transmission. Does anyone with basic public health knowledge have input into these decisions?

Hawaii to lift quarantine requirements: . This decision is political and financial. It is not sound public health policy given Hawaii’s natural isolation.

Most Americans think the pandemic is not yet under control: . As we all suspected, most Americans know more than most politicians.

WSJ: Residents flee Kyiv as Russians close in: .

Situation in Kharkiv “grave” as Russian troops encircle Ukraine’s second largest city: . Translator moved to tears during Zelensky speech to European Parliament: . WSJ: More: .

One item that doesn’t receive much press is a strategic reason behind Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Note that the country of Moldova adheres to Russia. However, it is isolated from other bloc members by Ukraine, which is the largest country fully in Europe and is the size of Texas. Bringing Ukraine into the bloc removes Moldova’s isolation as well as eliminating the risk of the huge Ukrainian border with Belarus. In other words, the larger bloc would replace all these risky borders with the smaller border between Ukraine and Poland.

Still, that looks like a really stupid exchange when the price is international pariah status for Russia.

Strategic update on the Ukrainian invasion: . It is absolutely correct that Russia failed by initiating a multi-front war. They are still likely to encircle and capture Kharkiv and Kyiv in the coming days. However, the world has rallied behind Ukraine and there is now an entrenched nationwide resistance receiving a substantial flow of Western equipment and supplies. The two cities mentioned are barely across the Russian border. Subduing the citizenry of this large country is now a huge task. WSJ: More: .

We heard tonight during State of the Union coverage on CBS that military experts estimate the war in Ukraine could last 10 to 20 YEARS. Anything longer than 3 weeks is another disaster for Putin (of course, it’s a disaster already).

As Zelensky has made himself the face of the resistance, I fear for his survival. But on the other hand, his courage will make it into the history books regardless of the outcome.

Belarus shares Ukraine invasion map on live TV: . Apparently Putin’s closest ally is even stupider than Putin.

North American fighters head to Ukraine: .

Finns want to join NATO with Sweden: . Once again, Putin has increased Russia’s border insecurities.

Russia accused of using banned “vacuum bombs”: . Specifically, they are accused of using this indiscriminate weapon against a preschool. Apparently, once you’re a pariah, you feel free to commit crimes against humanity. More on war crimes by Russia: .

WSJ: US Senate working to fund more aid to Ukraine: . A first for this newsletter is the phrase “Senate working”.

Companies act against Russia: .

US to seize yachts, luxury apartments of Russian oligarchs: . Meanwhile, hackers contribute to Putin punishment: . Gee, we haven’t heard much from Tucker Carlson lately …  

WSJ: Some oligarchs distance themselves from Putin: . This does not seem like a great long-term strategy. Meanwhile, a Florida teen tracks Putin and the oligarchs: .

Russia may default on its debt: .

WSJ: Bitcoin now a safe haven for Russians and Ukrainians: .

Russian invaders abandon their vehicles and surrender: . There is no question that Russian troops are suffering morale problems in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Biden sends former defense officials to Taiwan in show of support: . WSJ: China finds itself in a difficult position: .

GOP hypocrisy on full display: . If Mitch McConnell had any moral character, he would be disgusted with himself. Once again, why does anyone even bother with Orange Julius? The answer, as Mitt Romney indirectly notes, is political power, even if it’s power over a bunch of racist, anti-Semitic morons.

Fruitcakes explode at State of the Union: . We already knew these women were completely nuts. Notice, however, the black Republican congressman sitting between them. He’s the guy who complained that the Congressional Black Caucus wouldn’t admit him. Appalling lack of judgment remains the source of his problem.