News for November 27 — Omicron Found in More Countries

Omicron found in more countries: . WSJ: More: . The rapidity of spread suggests this variant is highly contagious. The speedy imposition of travel restrictions indicates the high level of concern around omicron. However, testing as to transmissibility and disease severity will take some time (days or weeks).

That said, I disagree with those who suggest there is inadequate science to impose travel restrictions: . It is best to try to slow the spread of Omicron while we gather data. And again, we need contact tracing and isolation in addition to vaccination. Dr. Swamy is an emergency room physician, not an epidemiologist. As commented before, there are just too many physicians commenting on COVID who appear motivated more by publicity than special expertise. As an aside, his name, Dr. Swamy, also strikes me as ironic. More: .

New York declares state emergency in response to Omicron: . WSJ: More: .

Michigan now accounts for 10% of new US COVID cases: . We hope the Michigan –Ohio State game and after-parties (see below) do not create a massive superspreader.

There’s almost no reporting around home test results: . Good grief. DUH! If you want reporting, the obvious solution is to provide high quality testing with rapid turnaround free at all pharmacy chains. And we could have figured this out 18 months ago. Yes, this would require some investment, but the cost appears trivial in relation to the cost of an uncontrolled pandemic.

An Oregon COVID survival story: . One hopes this will convince a few of those Americans trying to kill themselves with social media information.

WSJ: The immunization – natural immunity “debate”: . No. As the article indicates, this “issue” comes up because those who have been previously infected want exemption from vaccine mandates. Let me quote the article itself: “the vaccines are safe and have been shown to enhance the immune response of people who have been infected before.” So the vaccines do offer increased and safe protection over natural immunity in the situation under discussion.

A more appropriate discussion would be whether intentionally infecting a vaccinated person would offer them increased protection. But that would be idiotic because the point of vaccination is to keep them from getting the infection in the first place. The Journal just publishes this crap as some way of placating its conservative audience. WSJ is just one more star in Murdoch’s constellation of misinformation.

Barbados becomes a republic next week: . As to the award to Prince Charles, do realize that he is losing the opportunity to be their head of state. So the award is more a booby prize. Meanwhile, France is considering granting some autonomy to Guadeloupe: .

China’s mathematicians warn against changing COVID Zero policies: . First of all, if they are doing “basic arithmetic”, their study is essentially worthless. Second, until we have a clearer assessment of Omicron, this would be a ridiculous time to change policies. And third, they sneak in the comment that China needs more efficient vaccines. That in my view is China’s central problem. Until China confronts their vaccine weakness, they could have a massive outbreak regardless of their other policies.

WSJ: “Steven Sondheim is America’s Greatest Living Writer”: . Ahem. Mr. Sondheim, of course, passed away Friday. This article indicates it was updated Saturday, November 27 at 1:25 am. What the hell is wrong with the Journal? Perhaps this article will be updated by the time you click on it. But it was not as of 11:01 pm on Saturday, November 27 (in other words, more than 24 hours after WSJ’s last update). What truly appalling behavior on the part of this second-rate so-called news organization.

Michigan beats Ohio State for the first time in 10 years: . Congratulations to Michigan on an impressive performance today. However, it was 29 degrees and snowing lightly at game time. These conditions usually increase the advantage of the home team. Secondly, these conditions favor a ground game over passing. They also favor offenses over defenses. This is because the offensive players know where they’re going, and it is tougher for the defense to adjust. Still, Michigan scored an historic win.