News for December 8 — Omicron BQ.1/BQ.1.1 Dominates US

Omicron BQ.1/BQ.1.1 dominates US cases: . These subvariants are now 62% of US cases, while cases have risen over 25% in the past two weeks. Remember also that case counts are severely understated because of at-home testing.

FDA authorizes Omicron booster down to age 6 months: .

WSJ: US needs to cure booster fatigue: .

WSJ: Respiratory illness prevention includes masking: .

Chinese businesses fear COVID wave: . WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Inflation slows in China: .

WSJ: Weekly jobless claims drift upward to 230,000: .

Biden signs law curbing nondisclosure agreements in sexual harassment cases: . The law bans use of NDA’s as a condition of employment. That’s positive. However, the law does not touch the use of NDA’s to settle disputes, which is typically where the real fireworks occur.

House passes same-sex marriage bill: . This bill passed thanks to lunatics like Clarence Thomas and Ron DeMentis. However, one doubts it will stop all of the offensive politics the GOP Orange Julius cult has produced. Just in case you’re wondering, any attempt by the Supreme Court to overturn this will lead to a constitutional crisis.

WSJ: Russia’s attacks on Ukrainian civilians increasingly deadly: .

Brittney Griner released in prisoner swap: . WSJ: More: . Very simply put, Americans should not be entering Russia, North Korea, Iran or other areas with terrorist governments. This “deal” does not happen without ignorant misbehavior on Griner’s part. Here’s the other half of the story: . WSJ: More: . Still more: .

“Don’t Say Gay” Florida lawmaker resigns after fraud indictment: . So we have one less scary GOP congressman. Harding was re-elected in November with 64% of the vote.

Fading Orange Julius lapped by Ron DeMentis: . However, as weak a candidate as DeMentis is, the age gap in a Biden-DeMentis match-up does not bode well for Democrats.

DOJ asks court to find OJ in contempt for failing to comply with subpoenas: . So this case looks like a slam dunk. The subpoena was issued in May. Just yesterday, we learned that a judge ordered a search of an OJ storage facility that turned up two more confidential documents.

GOP fruitcakes shock the word once again: . This brain trust seeks to capture Orange Julius’ philosophy in a policy book. I am completely shocked that anyone would even suggest the OJ has a philosophy of any kind, let alone comprehensive policy. The most illustrative paper of OJ’s political philosophy would be a used piece of toilet paper.

FTX burns Mr. Not-So-Wonderful: . So if the due diligence suits against endorsers coming out of the FTX bankruptcy have any legs, celebrity endorser and investor Kevin O’Leary looks like the first one run down. His endorsement is specific to the exact problem with FTX. Also, his Shark Tank persona promotes his business knowledge. So lawyer up, dude.

The turtle in search of cajones: . However, the media does need to get a clue. This story won’t be making any future editions of Profiles in Courage.

Celine Dion announces stiff-person syndrome diagnosis: . WSJ: More: .

World Cup 2022: Quarterfinal predictions: .