News for December 12 — Nursing Homes Disaster; Zombie Cells

The nursing homes disaster: . This oral history of the pandemic in nursing homes is heartwrenching. There are now over 100,000 COVID dead attributable to nursing homes.

Nursing homes: A failing business model: . The short answer is that the nursing homes have almost 60% of their residents on Medicaid, on which they lose money. Another 20% are on Medicare; these residents have about a 10% profit margin. You can see already that this isn’t going to go well.

Deadliest  US county: . The county is in rural Kansas. The nursing home took a significant hit. The first two deaths were reported October 7. They went from no deaths to deadliest county in just over 2 months. And sadly, other counties may surpass them by the time the pandemic passes.

Zombie cells: . An intriguing aspect of this research is that obesity reduced the functionality of certain stem cells. That is, obesity can reduce the body’s ability to repair itself.

States get vaccine starting Monday: .

WSJ: Vaccine passports: . As the article sort-of alludes to, if the vaccine does not provide permanent protection, this doesn’t make much sense. In addition, there are a number of reported cases of individuals who have been re-infected.

How COVID has evolved: . Another problem with assuming the vaccine will provide permanent protection is mutation. As repeatedly pointed out here, we need to reduce the viral load in the global population substantially in order to slow COVID’s rate of evolution. This is central to the length of vaccine protection. These graphics are helpful.

WSJ: Peru halts Chinese vaccine trial: .

Vaccine myths: . These are certainly myths. The article suggests a considerable lack of knowledge among the general population.

WSJ: Add the vaccine to the CDC immunization schedule: .

No ICU beds in 12-county California region, US passes 16 million cases: .

Is dizziness a COVID symptom?: . It seems to be. However, dizziness is a serious symptom regardless of the cause.

WSJ: Does gargling slow COVID?: . One problem we have right now is that so many suggested solutions may not add much to social distancing and mask wearing. Gargling can’t hurt, but it’s not much help.

Charley Pride passes, fans suspect CMA Awards: . Regardless, the show was irresponsible. More on Pride’s life: .

The death spiral of public life: . We don’t have much idea of the new normal. I do think city cores will need to re-engineer.

WSJ: Remote work juicing Austin: . As mentioned before, Oracle is also moving to Austin. Has anybody noticed that the weather there is less attractive than much of California? The Bay Area and LA are much milder in both the summer and the winter. More: .

Will COVID relief be a victim of politics?: . The real problem here is we don’t know who controls the Senate in January. The bigger problem is that Senators have lost touch with their constituents.

WSJ: The future of chips leaves Intel behind: Intel’s repeated failure to meet production deadlines is sinking their chip ship.

WSJ: Corporate control in China: . This is scary stuff.