News for October 2 — Nobel Prize for COVID Vaccine

Nobel Prize for COVID vaccine: . The article takes time getting to the main point. Before their work, mRNA was of limited biomedical use because it touched off severe inflammation reactions. Over two decades, the two scientists figured out how to reengineer the proteins to avoid this inflammatory reaction, making their introduction into the body safe. The work has implications well beyond COVID. Many vaccines are now being reexamined for reformulation using mRNA. The technology also has potential uses for a variety of other medical issues, including fighting cancer. WSJ: More: .

WHO recommends second malaria vaccine: .

Doxycycline for STI prevention: . Doctors are generally concerned that overprescription of an antibiotic can lead to drug-resistant organisms. Isn’t that an issue here?

Living your breast life: . Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Here we learn that Ruth Handler, who created Barbie and gave her breasts, later in life was a breast cancer survivor who designed the original prosthetic for women who had undergone mastectomies. Read the article to the end, and the depth of this story will become clear.

Meanwhile, the latest Barbie is … Stevie Nicks: . We have a lot of very unusual news today …

The severe wedgie lawsuit: . Let’s just say the incident here exposes a significant health risk from Disney’s rides that was previously unknown.

The “Boopac Shakur” story: . So you start with a 40-year-old vigilante posing as a 15-year-old girl online to hunt down sexual predators. He confronts two teenagers he lured to a restaurant, and is shot dead. Wasn’t his behavior driven by his desire to gain fame online? This whole sequence of events is “messed up” …

Kellogg splits into two companies – and both stocks drop: . But the story is more complicated. The combined company closed at $59.51 per share on Friday. For every 4 shares of Kellogg (stock symbol K) you held, you got 1 share of the new company, WK Kellogg (KLG). Also, Kellogg was renamed Kellanova. So your per-share value of the pieces at the end of the day today was $52.50 (K) + ¼  x $13.30 (KLG) = $52.50 + $3.30 = $55.80. That’s a 6.2% drop from $59.51; it’s overstating the case to focus on both stocks dropping 7% to 9%.

However, the market does not like the deal. That’s not just because of the 9% drop in retail volumes. The CEO says the split was because he felt the market was undervaluing their recent cost savings. But the split creates a second, more expensive management team, and two companies, both of which have growth problems. I think the market is rejecting the rationale for the split.

WSJ: McCarthy’s pause on Ukraine funding is a problem in Europe: . So Kevin needs to come through on lifting this pause ASAP. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: UN to deploy Kenyan-led force to Haiti: . The gangs currently in control are not going to just step aside. This mission is fraught with danger.

More on Laphonza Butler, the new US Senator from California: . Butler has outstanding political and fundraising connections. Contrary to the comments in the article, she could mount a campaign for election to her seat if she so chooses. As such, the three Democratic congresspersons running for this Senate seat may all be left out in the cold. WSJ: More: .

Cases in the new Supreme Court term: . The Court is taking on important issues in the new term. But in addition, we await some resolution of the ethics controversy surrounding the Court. There have been various indications that the Court would adopt a Code of Conduct, preferably one that was nearly identical to the code applied to all other federal judges. So far, nothing. Chief Justice Roberts loses respect each day the Court fails to answer its critics. And now, the Justice Thomas situation forces his hand.

Meanwhile, Justice Thomas finally recuses himself from a January 6 case: . Yes, John Eastman was a law clerk for Clarence Thomas. However, NBC misses the story here. Justices Kagan and Jackson do disclose their reasons for recusal. This is another ethics issue requiring a Code of Conduct for the Supreme Court. WSJ: More: . As often as I criticize the Journal, note that they did notice that Thomas’ failure to state a reason for recusal is a problem.

Orange Julius critics grow louder – and they’re all people from his inner circle: . Yes, we all know OJ is a disturbed narcissist. The point here is that he does not understand sacrifice for the greater good. OJ does not want to be seen around disabled veterans. OJ repeatedly says veterans are suckers because there’s nothing in it for them. His former Secretary of Defense, Attorney General and Chief of Staff all say he is unfit for office. The alternate reality of MAGA groupthink needs to end.

OJ screams foul outside his NY fraud trial: . What “accused”? The judge has already granted partial summary judgment, finding the evidence of fraud to be overwhelming. The media needs to get a clue here …

WSJ: FTX fraud trial starts Tuesday: .

Details of 9-year-old’s abduction in New York State are scary: . A stranger abducted this child and then held her for ransom. His fingerprint on the ransom note led to his capture.