News for May 8 — US Daily Vaccinations Under 2 Million

US daily vaccinations under 2 million: . This is the lowest the seven day average for US daily vaccinations since early March.

Vaccine side effects review continues: . These reviews by the European Medical Agency involve extremely rare side effects. They may offer insight into both the action of the vaccines in the body and the actions of some diseases, like Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

WSJ: EU pushes back on vaccine patent waiver: .

India pandemic rages: .

WHO expert contends B.1.617 variant is accelerating the pandemic in India: . Uh-huh. What data do you have? The scenario she describes is quite plausible, but we know India does virtually no genomic testing. Everything she says is speculation, and she should label it as such. The WHO would do better to communicate in a scientific manner.

Latest research on the B.1.617 variant: .

Real-time details from India: .

Indian Medical Association accuses government of hiding COVID deaths: . This is surprising. It is hard to imagine the AMA taking a similar position against the US government.

WSJ: Federal unemployment supplemental benefit under threat: . This is politics and not economics. The available data certainly does not prove that there are workers in every community qualified for the open jobs in that location.

WSJ: CEO comments on raising the minimum wage: .

Erwin Chemerinsky is a highly respected law school dean and Supreme Court commentator – and he’s dead wrong on Justice Breyer: . The court is already 6-3 and lost to liberals/moderates for decades. Breyer is the most respected remaining justice as he has a consistent judicial philosophy and writes thoughtful opinions. Chemerinsky is apparently advocating his retirement now for fear Democrats will lose the Senate in November, 2022.

This makes very little sense. Assume Democrats lose the Senate in 2022 and Breyer retires in 2023. Will the Republican majority refuse to consider a Biden nominee, this time for a year and a half? This is very dubious reasoning by the respected dean.

WSJ: Why Brexit is so stupid: . This was completely foreseeable. Boris Johnson should be forced to herd sheep in the Cotswolds.