News for May 10 — Pfizer EUA for Children 12 to 15

Pfizer EUA for children 12 to 15: . Other reporting indicates that CDC must now authorize distribution. That is expected on Wednesday. Because Pfizer is already in distribution and the dose size is the same for these children and adults, conceivably the first shots could occur Wednesday. However, some states require receiving written guidance before proceeding, so there may be confusion coming. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

US weekly case numbers continue to fall: . This is certainly good news, but variants are apparently surging.

The vaccine waiver discussion: . I like the author’s prescription: the drug companies have to give up some control, and they must be compensated.

COVID nanotraps: .

Home remedies for COVID: . Ok, cows may be sacred in India, but holy s**t!

WSJ: British Columbia stops Brazilian P.1 variant through basic public health techniques: .

BioNTech to manufacture vaccines in Asia: .

Novavax vaccine facing supply chain delays: . Their request for regulatory approval may be pushed back from June to September.

Carlson is such a disgusting little Tucker: . The only explanation for this lunacy is that Tucker is following the Sidney Powell defense: I’m so nuts no reasonable person would take me seriously. Problem is, there are no reasonable people in his audience.

WHO declares India “double mutant” B.1.617 is a “variant of concern”: . WSJ: More: .

South Africa now has UK and new Indian variant: .

Are there any scientists in virology, or just publicity seekers?: . It seems to me the exact opposite is a better theory for the next flu season. We’ve learned that reduction in viral load reduces mutations (duh). Lack of genetic diversity in the viruses circulating not only confirms that, but makes it easier to make this year’s vaccine. Also, the Chinese closure of wild markets and improved farming practices will help. So get the flu shot, wear a mask, and see if we don’t repeat the success of this past flu season. And set up effective contact tracing by the fall …

Alabama, Arkansas to end federal unemployment benefits: and . Politics over people. WSJ: Biden calls BS on this crap: . WSJ: Meanwhile, California governor proposes additional stimulus checks to residents: .

Republicans begin to realize they are no longer a party but a tribe: . There are a couple of important ideas in this piece. First, the unity or “Big Tent” arguments within the party have failed, for the obvious reason that Orange Julius allows no dissent. And Liz Cheney is not going away, at least before November 2022, so the division will continue. Kevin McCarthy, as always, has miscalculated. What remain unclear are the consequences.

Second, not only is this tribe losing suburban voters, but it may be losing the ability to recruit qualified candidates. With redistricting and voter suppression, the tribe may still be able to gain the majority in that far distance that is November 2022. But the long-term prospects seem bleak. We await the legal actions against Orange Julius. Who can replace him at the top of the tribe? There is absolutely no one in his family or the existing leadership who can step up. Short-term interests have led to people refusing to move on. Ultimately, reality bites back.

Vatican reins in US bishops: . The requirement to apply this to all Catholics and not just politicians would seem to end this initiative.

NBC pulls the plug on next year’s Golden Globes: . WSJ: More: .