News for July 27

Most of the world will face COVID-19 without a vaccine: Klaus Stohr: .

Duration of vaccine protection: .

Details of Republican relief offer: . So far, the only bill out there is the Heroes Act passed by the House in May. Mnuchin has been talking about paying 70% of prior wages, but that seems very difficult to administer; maybe that’s why this offer is at $200. That, together with unemployment if any, will not pay the rent. More: WSJ: . More: WSJ: .

WSJ: Gottlieb on a diagnostic stockpile: . Opinion, but a reasoned one.

WSJ: Will Texas shut down?: .

WSJ: The “upside” of the US surge: .

WSJ: Their take on testing restrictions: . 2 minutes, not very helpful, but it provides a bit of insight into WSJ thinking here, which is important given they are our primary source.

WSJ: Manhattan workers returning VERY slowly: . There is the potential here that Manhattan will be permanently changed in a significant way.

WSJ: Virus resurges in Asia and South Pacific: . Contact tracing, testing and isolation is difficult, but obviously a far better place to be than having the virus imbedded in the population as has occurred in the US and South America.

WSJ: Surge in South Africa: .

WSJ: North Korea’s first reported case: .

WSJ: Debt trap, part 2: .  

WSJ: Wells Fargo to cut staff, others likely to follow: . In thinking about the$200 versus $600, remember that the US has had 17 straight weeks of more than 1 million unemployment claims (previously high was 650,000), and job opportunities continue to shrink.

WSJ: Yikes!: . The power of intellectual discrimination must certainly apply here; this goes beyond “incredibly controversial”. Suggesting that masks activate the virus is a public health danger, the modern day equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater (actually worse, because Sinclair broadcasts nationwide). More on Dr. Mikovits: .

After the federal court in Portland restrained Portland Police from attacking journalists and legal observers, the federal agents did the same thing. I didn’t realize the severity of the second round of attacks until reading the plaintiffs’ brief after the attack requesting the court to also restrain the federal agents. Here is the brief, I suggest you look at the photos on pages 12 and 13 of 25 (titled in blue at top) and then read pages 11-14. . I’m not shocked by much, but this really drove home how badly these untrained agents are behaving.