News for August 23

USA Today: US round-up: . Plasma therapy was used during the 1918 influenza pandemic, and has been used in combating many diseases and illnesses. Convalescent plasma is not a vaccine: .

WSJ: Antibody drugs advance: .

Infectious Disease Society of America: Hydroxychloroquine should not be used for COVID-19: .

Are oral lesions a follow-on symptom in COVID-19 patients with skin rash?: .

School disclosure about COVID-19 varies by locality: . Interesting information about the legal environment for these disclosures. And, a national plan would help …  

Will off-campus parties doom college fall semester?: .

WSJ: Companies change course on re-opening: .

Can the Post Office be a (rural) bank?: .

Technological change in the legal profession and the courts spurred by pandemic: . With the financial stress on legal firms right now, increasing use of technology is becoming a necessity, and lawyers have incentives to bring the courts along.

WSJ: Government economics: . The article is factually accurate, but this is not deep thinking on our economic future. Economies driven by population growth by definition are unsustainable; therefore it would be better to look at these numbers on a per capita basis. Productivity is not shrinking on that basis, and will continue to increase as automation advances, even though automation is disruptive to significant portions of the workforce. In the US, stimulus by repeatedly cutting taxes is also by definition unsustainable and leads to increasing deficit spending; then when a true emergency appears, deficits must necessarily skyrocket. It is a matter of debate as to the appropriate levels of debt; as the dollar remains the global bedrock currency, there is some argument for spending it now as its bedrock status creates a sort of “goodwill” value that may be transitory. However, it is inescapable is that government spending must over time be an appropriate investment in valuable future assets. The countries that do that most successfully are by definition the winners of the future.

Goldman Sachs analysis indicates 25% of current temporary layoffs will be permanent: .

WSJ: Austin music scene in jeopardy: .

Germany: Calls to ban parties as cases spike: .

WSJ: Spain: Virus resurges: .

WSJ: Mexico: Cancun tourism collapse reflects the economic consequences of the virus in the travel sector globally: .

Peru: 13 crushed as police raid party prohibited under lockdown: . Sadly, a new way to die from coronavirus.

India: Are some areas approaching herd immunity?: .