News for August 2

USA Today: US economic round-up: .

Duel over relief package: . Searching for any sense of immediacy in these reports. The economy almost certainly will turn down again even if a deal is reached tomorrow because of expected administrative delays in implementing the deal (see next item).

WSJ: Delayed test results hurt workers: . If you’re looking for institutional racism, it’s worth thinking this situation through. Suppose COVID-19 only infected people in the C-suite. Do you think a 16-day delay in test results would be acceptable? Obviously, after 16 days, the test result is of no value – this is longer than the 14-day quarantine period. PUA “might” pay? We still have 20,000 people in Oregon who have been waiting over 3 months for their PUA claim to be processed. And the state says that redefining the unemployment benefit to $200 will take 5 weeks to reprogram, while a 70% of pay definition will take 2 months or more.

WSJ: Russia vaccine: More on “Sputnik 2”: . Yet another example of why politicizing a public health crisis is unsafe.

Sadly but not unexpectedly, COVID-19 deaths are occurring among people who have politicized wearing masks. First, Herman Cain, shown not wearing a mask at the Trump rally in Tulsa. Now, Charlie Montgomery, at least connected to the Trump rally in Phoenix (not sure if he was present; photos online suggest he was at the Tulsa rally): . Public health advice should be followed, not politicized. In my view, this is not an area for “robust debate”, at least not outside the public health/medical community.

WSJ: Credit card debt unexpectedly falls: . Keep in mind that paying off credit card debt is not saving; it is spending.

WSJ: Small business navigates the pandemic: .

PPP money flowed to Chinese-owned businesses: (link replaced 11/12/20). Once again, oversight of these programs is needed. But we’re still looking at the $600 …

Pandemic: People stranded abroad: .

Cruise ships hit with COVID-19 again: . Stupidity apparently knows no bounds.

Online school and kids’ mental health: .