News for August 12

WSJ: US round-up: . News on Russia, India, New Zealand in last several paragraphs.

Florida death toll record: . The state’s positivity test rate is 13.38%.

WSJ: COVID-19 hits Midwest rural areas: .

Marion County Sheriff bans masks at work: . Um, I thought the people objecting to masks said they had the freedom not to wear a mask (which is not true, you don’t have the right to endanger another person’s health). But if we accept their position, how does that translate to an individual not having the freedom to wear a mask? Among the deaths in Florida is the basic logic behind the rule of law …

Mayo Clinic COVID-19 page: .

WSJ: Federal COVID-19 data issues continue: .

WSJ: Moderna vaccine deal: $1.5 billion for 100 million doses: .

WSJ: The forced cruise: .

WSJ: Kindness as a coping skill: . Sincerity is a key element.

Hopes fade for quick relief package agreement: . The blame game is increasingly focused on Mark Meadows.

More on Trump’s executive order: . We still need the negotiators to sit down and reach an understandable resolution. WSJ: Labor Dept. confirms details/shortcomings of the $300 PUA benefit: .

WSJ: Employers wary of payroll tax deferral: . Obviously. And the chances of the House passing forgiveness of this debt? My estimate is zero.

WSJ: State budget woes: .

2020 tax planning opportunities for individuals: .

Two major risks to global economic rebound: the US, and a second wave of coronavirus: .

UK: Deepest recession ever: .

US insurers’ COVID-19 losses so far less than feared: .

The future of telemedicine: . There are important issues here concerning access to and quality of care, and the need/focus of rural hospitals.

WSJ: Campus safety: . Life is pretty weird right now, but in-person college is near the top of the weirdness list. All this, and no football.

WSJ: Privacy, schools and COVID-19: . Similar issues apply to office buildings and the workplace.

WSJ:  More on Georgia school quarantines: .

The future of restaurants: . My conclusion is that at least until vaccines are approved and widely administered, the “old normal” cannot return.

Some interesting details on a proposed Amazon deal for mall space: . This could cause many tenants to bail out or demand rent reductions.

India: Bold vaccine expectations: .

Third world health: De-worming children: Study indicates lifetime effects: . Yesterday’s news included analysis of the benefits of parasites to the ecosystem; however, it’s hard to see how de-worming people would not be a meaningful health improvement.

Extreme poverty rises globally: . The mention of China potentially having more than 1 million people in extreme poverty caught my eye. I was fortunate to travel to China in 1987. The tour was carefully managed by the government, but the poverty throughout the country was crushing, widespread and impossible to hide. As one example, affected by road work near Xian, we were diverted to a back road where we saw a large settlement of people (perhaps 700) living in natural caves. The (government) guide was quick to say, This is not typical, today there are no more than 5 to 10 million people living in caves throughout China. China’s economic miracle over the past 30 years is one of the most amazing transformations during my lifetime.

Economic issues for Latin America: .

US contractor told Lebanese officials of port risk: . More: .

Belarus post-election violence: . The article notes that observers have not judged an election in Belarus as free since 1995. More: . WSJ: More: . Pompeo warns EU about dealing with authoritarian regimes …

Apple 5G iPhone expected in October: . There are other stories with the same expectation; so far Apple has refused comment.

Today’s vocabulary phrase: Vicar of Bray: “Someone who changes their alleged fundamental belief(s) or allegiance(s) in keeping with the popular views of the time, so as to gain or maintain a favorable position or advantage.” Interestingly, I’ve seen this phrase (which is based on a historical figure in England, of course) applied pejoratively to both Mike Pence and Kamala Harris within 24 hours of her nomination. Buckle up.