News for August 21 — New Variant BA.2.86 Nicknamed Pirola

New variant BA.2.86 nicknamed Pirola: . Sigh. The headline on AOL says “this one may be a little different from variants like Omicron”. As we pointed out two days ago, because the media was commenting on the lineage without providing details, we researched this subvariant. Our conclusion? “BA.2.86 is a descendant of BA.2, which is an Omicron subvariant.” It is just incredibly important to get this right. But the AOL headline is dead wrong – and I do mean dead, as in life-and-death.

As noted earlier in August, the fall vaccines are based on the XBB subvariant, which is descended from a combination of two subvariants of BA.2. That is, it is also an Omicron subvariant, and like BA.2.86 it descended from BA.2. So while BA.2.86 has more potential than the other recent subvariants to escape the vaccine’s protection, that possibility is limited by the fact that we are still dealing with an Omicron BA.2 subvariant.

You get the information here that is needed to analyze vaccine protection. The media right now is not providing the needed information, while AOL is actively screwing up.

EG.5 allegedly dominates COVID in China: . We really have no reason to believe anything China says about COVID. WSJ: A somewhat related story: . In many ways, China seems to view independent data as the enemy.

WSJ: FDA approves RSV vaccine for pregnant mothers to protect baby: .

Georgia, Alabama gender-affirming care bans blocked: . Politics is injecting a lot of double negatives in today’s public discussion.

Salmonella outbreak across US linked to small turtles: . This has been a problem for decades. Why is it still a problem? The article suggests that a part of the problem is that turtles below 4 inches in size continue to be illegally sold.

Pediatricians urge universal ban of school spankings: . This seems like a no-brainer. That’s apparently why the remaining problem (18 states) is concentrated in the South: . I strongly recommend that Florida ban spanking in its public schools, but bring it back for the governor.

Ozempic’s low distribution margins: . Distribution costs are a small part of the drug’s costs. Its volumes are exploding. Why isn’t Novo Nordisk lowering prices?

WSJ: Can a calcium supplement reduce postpartum depression?: . Yes. But these authors way overpromise – as the many critical reader comments following the article demonstrate. When postpartum depression manifests, it’s too late to quickly cure with calcium, and the severe cases are very dangerous indeed. So as an early preventative, that’s fine. But not when the condition manifests – then rapid intervention is required.

Mortgage rates hit 7.48%: . Anyone who thinks this won’t slow the housing market is kidding themselves. Also, cash buyers now have increasing advantages over everyone else.

A recession is still in the cards for the US: . Readers know this is my long-held view, and as noted in the paragraph above, there are plenty of areas of concern.

The market is out of touch with the Fed: . Note the comment in this article from Dana Peterson that a recession will happen in the next six to 12 months, followed by slower US growth. WSJ: Stock market and bond yields both rise: . This is a classic disconnect, and it indicates too much speculation in the stock market.

WSJ: We’re out of touch with economics: . As readers know, I take a dim view of the Journal’s economic analysts. To repeat a key point, the Fed has raised rates rapidly and it has not yet had nearly the slowing effect everyone anticipates. But it will, as you can see from the evidence in the preceding paragraphs. The Fed needs to continue to take the opportunity they have right now to push inflation hard toward 2%, because that opportunity window will close on them within the next year as recession takes hold.

WSJ: More problems for China’s economy: . There is a growing sense that China is going to fall very hard, even if they fake the data to cover it up.

China-Russia trade grows: . The “two axes” realignment continues to accelerate, but both of these economies are weakening in the process.

WSJ: Subway chain nears sale: . Note that sales are about half what they were at the peak, and the company is closing US outlets while expanding abroad. That seems like a weak long-term strategy. I would have expected a sale price of 1.3 times annual sales. The multiplier is under 1 because the company continues to have difficult problems, and has lost all of its earlier management talent to death. The heirs cash out billionaires.

One Lahaina house which is still standing: . The owners took preventative measures which ended up saving their home. WSJ: Maui missing still exceeds 800: . As stated here before, we will reach the point where the remaining missing will be declared dead. This will heighten the tragedy for the survivors.

Hurricane Hilary mostly bypasses Los Angeles: . My alma mater, Claremont McKenna College, 32 miles east of LA, got less than a quarter inch of rain. However, San Bernardino, 33 miles east of Claremont, got over a foot of rain. More: . More from The New York Times: . WSJ: More: . The Journal should have added that when Hilary missed Las Vegas, it missed almost all of Nevada’s population.

Prigozhin video surfaces: . The article believes Prigozhin is in Africa due to the desert location. They should think more broadly. Prigozhin was probably on that Russian spacecraft that crashed into the moon. And the Indian craft that’s going to land at the same destination this week must be there to pick him up …

DeMentis calls Orange Julius supporters “listless vessels”: . So this spat makes clear how foolish both sides are. Little Ron could have made his point without trashing his non-supporters. OJ’s side goes back to their one thread-bare refrain: Anyone who doesn’t support us is a traitor to our Orange Furor. How can it be that only people outside the GOP see that none of this is constructive, and bears no relationship to governance?

Meanwhile, OJ’s loyalty remains a one-way street: . I would say the rats are fighting over the crumbs, but these legal bills will crush many of the co-conspirators. However, the MAGA Maniacs currently remain willing to send their money to protect the Orange Furor from personal expense.

OJ’s bond set at $200,000: . An ex-prosecutor expects that the ban on intimidating co-conspirators or witnesses will be tested: . Wow. In other shocking predictions, the ex-prosecutor says the sun will rise in most parts of the US tomorrow. UPDATE: OJ will surrender in Georgia Thursday: . I therefore predict the first test of the intimidation ban will come Thursday evening … probably as part of a rant against the judge and prosecutor … WSJ: More: .

GOP debate Wednesday night: . OJ is not showing. The other 8 … who cares, really?

WSJ: Data about the others: . This article shows that none of the rivals have anything resembling a plan to beat OJ. Readers know I think Rick Santorum is brain-dead. However, here Santorum says OJ cannot win a general election or govern, but it’s hard for his opponents to run against OJ’s victim persona. While I don’t agree that you can’t overcome the victim persona, here a brain-dead person has a more realistic assessment of the GOP primary than any of OJ’s actual opponents. Really, how appalling is that?

WSJ: Japan to release treated Fukushima wastewater: . As readers know, I am very concerned about the planet and pollution. But the backlash over this release strikes me as a failure to understand the facts. Tritium occurs naturally. The discharge will be undetectable at 6 miles from the release point. In other words, the tritium will literally disappear into the Pacific.

AI can now guess your password with 95% accuracy: . That’s especially true when your password is “password”. Actually, the study involved placing listening devices next to the computer and analyzing the sounds different keys make. But your computer has audio capabilities. Couldn’t AI write a virus that could use that audio capability to get your passwords? Just sayin’ …

WSJ: Lessons from the 2023 Women’s World Cup: . Blah, blah, blah. Here are the two key points, and WSJ misses both: (1) The US team played with no plan, that’s the coach’s fault, and he’s gone; (2) England and Spain have the two most powerful men’s leagues, and they leveraged that power to provide skill development support to their women.

Possibly no one will like what I’m going to say next, but we have to get high-quality European men’s coaches to coach in the US, for both the men’s and women’s leagues here. At the very least, the importance of a plan you practice before you take the field will get drilled into every American player’s head, regardless of gender.

Michigan football’s sanctions problems: . Sigh … the not-yet started super conference has some super problems … a 3 to 4 game suspension involves more than a minor violation …

1952 Mantle jersey brings $4.68 million: . The article begins by telling us, correctly, that the jersey sold in a $10 million auction of Mantle items. However, we later learn that a Mantle card sold in the same auction for $4.5 million. So in this auction, two items sold for $9.38 million. If there were any other items in this auction, in total, they sold for less than 10% of these two items. This article could have provided more information, and in a more direct manner.