News for July 29 — New Indictment Seals Orange Julius’ Fate

New indictment seals Orange Julius’ case: . We now have OJ directing others to delete the security tapes. They did not. The tapes show OJ going through the subpoenaed boxes, taking the files he wanted to keep. This is a conspiracy to obstruct justice. No one sees any meaningful defense here. OJ hopes (in his mind) to run out the clock, win the election and pardon himself. He won’t win re-election. Even the rogue Supreme Court currently in place won’t let anyone pardon themself. We now must wait for this disaster to play out.

WSJ: Why Yellow Trucking nears bankruptcy: . Well, why would you buy competitors and not integrate the networks? Management did not have a clue as to how to gain efficiencies from mergers. Ultimately the debt they took on to merge killed the entire business. Failure to meet delivery schedules was another big problem.

Federal judge blocks Arkansas law allowing criminal charges against librarians for allowing children “access” to “harmful” books: . Presumably anyone who can spell “law” could figure out that this one wasn’t going to fly.

Vietnam Medal of Honor recipient watches launch of warship named after him: .

(If no news is good news, today was a super day …)