News for July 7 — New COVID Variants Enter US

New COVID variants enter US: .    EG.5 and XBB.2.3 now each represent 13% of US cases. As the current leader, XBB.1.16 now has 17% of all US cases. As XBB.1.16 is targeted by the fall COVID vaccines, it is likely that other variants will take the lead well before the end of this year. All of the major subvariants currently in circulation are derived from Omicron.

WSJ: Obamacare alternatives to be reduced: .

Alzheimer’s drug Leqembi expanded use: .

More malaria transmission in Florida: . The key here to preventing spread is to identify all cases and treat them promptly. In other words, the local medical community and residents must be vigilant in indentifying cases.

Half of UK “COVID retirees” living in poverty: .

WSJ: Weight loss drug market remains unstable: .

Predicting your own longevity: . As we all know, when the end comes, the predictions go out the window. However, I have felt for a long time that a strong gait and balance were very important health indicators. I work on those things regularly (meaning most days). It does make a difference in retaining these functions.

Yellen re-establishes contact in Beijing meeting with her Chinese counterpart: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: China’s minerals controls: . We can overcome this, but it will take time.

WSJ: US oil production grows: . This is a critical check against Russia and Saudi Arabia.

US jobs market cools slightly: . While the reported figure of 209,000 is below the prediction of 230,000, this does not constitute significant cooling of the job market. The Fed remains on track for another 25 basis point rate increase at their next meeting July 25-26. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Yield curve inversion continues: . As the article notes, this is the classic recession indicator, and it predicts a recession around October of this year.

US to send cluster munitions to Ukraine: . Because this war has been dominated by artillery, the West has to do this to keep Ukraine supplied. An important argument for doing this is that Ukraine is using these weapons on its own territory. It is tracking their use and of course intends to clean up the duds after the war, provided they win. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

WSJ: Poverty in Ukraine: .

WSJ: Russia angles for Wagner troops: . All of this serves to underscore Wagner’s importance to the Russian war effort.

WSJ: Russia blocks UN inspectors from Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant: . This is a scary development. One hopes Russia will back down.

The inability of the GOP to put on an effective debate favors Orange Julius: .

Christie says OJ kept documents because he wants to continue to play president: . Christie appears to be spot on here. Throughout his life, OJ has lived in the illusion that he is capable, and this act got him elected president. The danger is still out there.

OJ Iowa event: . Look at how easily OJ can put DeMentis on the defensive. None of the challengers has really laid a glove on OJ so far. You’d think all of his legal problems would be ripe for attack, but no one is going there. How else do they expect to gain support? DeMentis’ “right of OJ” approach is failing, because the MAGA Maniacs don’t care about OJ’s policies – and also, nobody likes Ron.

Rudy Giuliani faces loss of DC Bar license: . As he has already lost his license in his home state of New York, DC will likely follow the New York lead.

January 6 insurrectionist sentenced to 5 years: . You do need a lawyer who learned at least the basics in law school. So again, Rule No. 1 is Do not piss off the judge.

Holding DeMentis accountable: . Simply put, Ron has no authority to fly migrants from Texas to Massachusetts or California, let alone spend Florida taxpayer money to do so. Also, the migrants were recruited to these flights under false pretenses. Interstate transport is a federal issue, so DOJ has every right (and indeed the duty) to investigate.

The DeMentis failure is not good news for Florida: . The author’s argument makes sense. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Roberts and Kavanaugh now Supreme Court swing votes: . This observation appears correct.

Manson follower earns parole: .

More details on Threads, Meta’s Twitter competitor: .

Lunatic directs Oklahoma education: . How do you teach the Tulsa Race Massacre without talking about race? Dishonestly, that’s how. More: .

WSJ: Iowa’s hog megafarms: . The stench must be overwhelming.

WSJ: Monahan to return as PGA leader July 17: . The success of his comeback will likely face major hurdles.

Olympic gold medalist passes at 51: . The article suggests this may have been the end of a decade-long battle with breast cancer by Nikki McCray-Penson.