News for November 9 — New HV.1 COVID Variant Dominates

New HV.1 COVID variant dominates: .

COVID lockdowns increased ADHD risk among 10-year-olds: . Ah, these are very interesting findings reported by Fox News. Gee, could there be a problem? More than 2/3’s of the way through the article, we learn the study “did have some limitations.” “The children examined before and after the lockdown were not the same children.” Yes, that would be a limitation. It also means the study does not qualify as good science.

The deadliness of loneliness: WSJ: .

Novavax tops revenue estimates: .

WSJ: US population shrinks before 2100: . Others have made this prediction previously, but this one carries the weight of the US Census Bureau.

IRS raises tax brackets, deduction by 5.4% for 2024: WSJ: .

WSJ: China economy takes another hit: .

Major US rare earth discovery: . This hardly guarantees another larger find won’t come along. However, you already have a developed mine on sight. This seems like a golden opportunity to get marketable ore into the market as soon as possible.

Israel agrees to daily 4-hour humanitarian pauses in northern Gaza: . This is wise in light of increasing international condemnation of Israel’s bombing campaign.

The Hamas “billionaires”?: . As Fox News rarely does homework, I’m unsure if this is truth or Israeli propaganda (Israel is the source of the information, according to the article). Either way, it’s interesting. It also reflects the ongoing propaganda war within the overall war. Here’s comment from the Hamas leaders, according to The New York Times: .

House GOP remains ungovernable: . Apparently they will spend the next 24 hours searching for a brain. Good luck with that. Note that the most significant (hah) policy problem is that they tried to add anti-abortion language to one of the bills, right after Tuesday’s election defeats. These people literally do not know how to govern. They think they’re part of Hollywood for unattractive people. By the way, your show stinks, and re-election (or not) is now less than 1 year away.

Former Speaker turns on members who ousted him: . Remember, McCarthy’s job used to be getting these maniacs re-elected.

Meanwhile, the GOP presidential candidates prove they don’t know anything: . Good lord, are these people really this unable to do basic math? The fund depletion date is 2034, which is 10 years away. Kicking the can down the road is an absurd suggestion. The available policy choices are raise taxes now or cut/restructure benefits now. Talking about raising the retirement age for future generations is useless relative to the problem, as is suggesting Warren Buffett not take his benefit.

Look at the bright side. None of these people have any chance of being elected president in 2024, at least unless Orange Julius is convicted or dies. Hmmm …

Winners and losers from the third debate: . Sigh. The winner was Orange Julius. The losers were the 5 people on stage, because no one did anything to improve their nonexistent chances. NBC lost, because no one watched. And Ron DeMentis does not deserve a participation trophy for finally saying something.

The next loser: NewsNation to host fourth debate: . The “big” question: Will there be two or three of the existing losers on stage? This could only be saved by an appearance by OJ, which is not going to happen.

A potential, dangerous loser? Joe Manchin won’t run for re-election in West Virginia: . Manchin, a long-time Democratic winner in the now reddest of states, makes noises that he may be open to a third-party run. As we’ve said here many times, the biggest risk to Biden is a third party candidacy. This may pump up the No Labels people and their no good, very bad third party now idea. WSJ: More, from Joe Manchin: . A third party candidate has no chance of election to the presidency. Manchin is not beloved by either Democrats or Republicans, and pro-coal Joe’s ties to the coal industry make him particularly unelectable nationally. Still more: .

More loser news: Steve Bannon appeals conviction: . It appears the question on appeal is whether Bannon had a constitutional right to tell the jury he did not answer Congress’ subpoena based on advice of counsel. This strikes me as a losing appeal, because advice from counsel does not somehow give you the right not to appear. As Bannon offered essentially no defense at trial, he is apparently trying to get this weak defense reinstated, in order to have a new trial, at which he’ll still be convicted.

The Mar-a-Lago documents case heads to press: . Bottom line, Judge Aileen “Loose” Cannon is denying voters critical information by even considering delaying this trial.

Judge Chutkan grants special prosecutor’s motion that OJ must disclose use of advice-of-counsel defense by January 15, along with all relevant evidence: . The special prosecutor continues to fiercely protect the March 4 trial date from a last-minute stunt by OJ’s attorney.

Hawaii “9/11” fund for litigation settlement: . The main point is that the funds are coming from Hawaiian Electric, which was expected to declare bankruptcy over all the claims against it. We will have to watch to see how this plays out. This could be unfair to other claimants, since no one can be made whole by HE.

Week 2 of weekend class in LA – see you Monday!