News for September 14 — New COVID Booster Availability Near

New COVID booster availability near: . CVS and Walgreens have made online appointments available and expect to begin vaccinations at all locations next Monday, September 18.

Breakthrough Prize for CAR-T cancer therapy: .

Current status of Alzheimer’s treatments: . The article offers a useful overview of the current treatment options, none of which cure the disease.

Planned Parenthood to resume abortions in Wisconsin next week: .

Medical malpractice on the march: . If we knew the tumor was noncancerous, there’s no worry. If the tumor was cancerous, and we knew what type of cancer, his treatment options would be clear. This screw-up has created worry for this patient every day for the rest of his life. This is a horrific failure of those in control here.

Pig kidney works for 2 months: . The path to animal organ transplants for humans continues to broaden.

Lung transplant transmits Legionnaire’s Disease: .

WSJ: Getting medical test results before your doctor calls: . I’ve lived under this system for more than a year. Because of health actuarial work, I am probably better equipped than the average patient to read and interpret these tests. My overall view is that the new system gives the patient considerable information beyond what the doctor might otherwise communicate. As we know that involved patients get significantly better results than those who are passive, the new system will likely improve overall medical results. But yes, there will be bumps along the way.

J&J rebrands after spinning off consumer health products: . This doesn’t look like it’s going tp go well, at least according to the stock market.

WSJ: China’s biotech losing international partners: . The “two axes” model continues to advance on many fronts.

Social Security increase for 2024 estimated at 3.2%: . Along with expected Medicare premium increases, the average senior’s benefit will fall further behind inflation.

WSJ: As usual, we don’t even look at the facts about US inflation: . Sigh. The discussion on car prices makes no sense. The UAW has just instituted a first-time strike against all members of the Big 3 automakers, as everyone expected. Does it make any sense for the Journal’s expert to bank on the continued fall of used car prices? Of course not.

WSJ: ECB raises interest rates 25 basis points: . They are essentially catching up to prior Fed actions.

Libya death toll now estimated at up to 20,000: . This tragedy, in an area not controlled by the recognized government, will not have reliable data in the near future. However, with the large number of unrecovered corpses, disease is a major risk as recovery efforts sputter along. Note that the previous death toll of 5,300 has been revised upward to 11,300, while the total missing has also increased, from 10,000 to 10,100. Also, over 7,000 are injured and 30,000 are displaced. That’s over 58,400 affected in a city of 90,000.

China’s economy continues to wobble: . Again, the property sector continues to present challenges to sustained growth. WSJ: More: . Data transparency also remains a concern.

Putin’s supply problems: . While much of this article is yap, it makes one very important point. The lack of munitions for the front that Prigozhin rebelled over is apparently quite real, requiring Putin to deal with Kim Jong-un. Prigozhin claimed to have lost 20,000 men taking Bahkmut. Now Putin is rushing new troops into battle areas. They may well suffer the same fate as Prigozhin’s men. At some point, Russian military structure seems likely to crack.

WSJ: Ukrainian drone and cruise missile attack cripples Russian’s behind-the-lines support: . Increasingly, Ukraine is building its own technology.

WSJ: Zelensky returns to DC next week for more US support: .

Judge severs 2 “speedy trial” defendants from the other 17 defendants in the Georgia election fraud case: . This is an interesting ruling, and the judge makes sound arguments. He wants to avoid the 17 from claiming that the speedy trial (which is quite speedy in Georgia) violated their due process rights. He concludes that 19 in the courtroom is not necessarily more efficient because of the logistical difficulties.

This puts enormous pressure on Powell and Chesebro to flip. They may not, but again, they face 5 years minimum of mandatory prison time. The other 17 benefit from seeing the state’s evidence; however, we already know it is quite powerful. Seeing these two convicted would put panic-level pressure on each of the other 17, which means there may be more flippers and therefore more state’s evidence. RICO is a vice no defendant wants to be in, especially in the Georgia version of the law.

Mark Meadows withdraws appeal of attempt to put his case on hold: . The primary strategy of the 17 is delay; the judge’s ruling gives Meadows and the others that delay. However, postponement is not a great victory.

The Rude Dude’s meltdown accelerates: . What “may have”? You simply cannot repeat claims already found slanderous, as OJ already found out with E. Jean Carroll. The poll workers can refile with Judge Howell, and the judge will schedule a second trial limited to damages. Now, Rudy may become judgment-proof through bankruptcy, at which point the women can sue the media organizations giving Rudy his defamatory platform. This ongoing defamation is simply lunacy from has-beens, or more appropriately never-weres –here, OJ and The Rude Dude.

OJ’s attorneys go full stupid in latest delay attempts: . It never is a good idea to file ridiculous motions against a judge who is already irritated with you. This is violation of Rule No. 1 on steroids. The defense does not have the right to control the timing of a judge’s pretrial rulings, period. If at the time the ruling comes, the defense believes they require a trial delay, they ask then. You hardly need to be a lawyer to understand who is in charge here. Slate provides the bigger picture: . Again, delay is OJ’s primary (only?) legal strategy, and it is increasingly meeting a unified judiciary.

 SHOCKING UPDATE: Appellate court grants a temporary stay to consider lower court’s actions: . I left the prior paragraph as written to show how surprised I am at this development. There is the suggestion here of friction between the lower and appellate court, but still the intervention surprises me. As this will go to a 5-judge panel next, we will learn more clearly what the issue is soon, probably before mid-October. However, this does create substantial question about the scheduled trial date of October 2.

Orange Julius sets two world records at once: . OJ is the person in the world with the largest number of individual attorneys representing him in different criminal actions. OJ is also the person in the world refusing to listen to the legal advice of the largest number of criminal attorneys. But you already knew that …

Hunter Biden indictment: . Let’s cut to the chase here. This type of violation is essentially never prosecuted unless the gun was then used in an actual crime. In addition, there was a plea agreement which fell apart under political pressure from the right. The judge should force a settlement/result very close to the original plea deal. Anything else is selective prosecution of Hunter Biden (which, frankly, is exactly what this is). WSJ: More: .

Meanwhile, the nuts on the right get more agitated: . One hopes the FBI can keep the lid on the nuts until OJ and his gang go to trial(s).

WSJ: Why US politics is broken: . As the article notes, there is no evidence of election irregularities. One hopes the courts will straighten this out. Hope is increased because the Wisconsin Supreme Court switched from a GOP to a Democratic majority in the last election.

Mitt Romney trashes JD Vance: . Yesterday I noted that I’m not a fan of Romney, but that he is committed to governance and listening to the other side. He also is a decent person who speaks plainly. Vance doesn’t realize it, but his small-minded response demonstrates Romney’s point. Romney also indirectly crushes Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, while showing how contemptuous he is of Vance.

Cruz and Vance chose to put their personal power over their sworn duty to the US Constitution, America’s great gift to humanity, which I believe Romney understands. Romney is apparently saying that Vance committed the greater sin of putting personal power over his own values and identity. This shows Romney’s strong commitment to personal decency.

Prosecution abruptly rests in Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial: . Obviously, there were extensive behind-the-scenes negotiations before this result, but the result still makes no sense. Will Ken Paxton finally be shown the door? Who knows, it’s Texas …

WSJ: Kentucky autocrat ordered to pay for violating couple’s constitutional rights: . Now, let’s hope this thinking gets extended to Ron DeMentis …

WSJ: Elon Musk burnishes his reputation as an idiot: . This goofball has the same disease as Orange Julius: Musk continually makes simplistic comments demonstrating his insensitivity and ignorance on a vast number of topics.

Antarctica is melting: .  The reason that so many Antarctic ice shelves have collapsed in recent years is that they are melting from the bottom up from warmer ocean water. I am very concerned that we have already triggered a runaway melt that is irreversible.