News for November 13 — Natural Immunity Inferior to Vaccination

Natural immunity inferior to vaccination: . You can get reinfected after having COVID, natural immunity wanes over time, and vaccination after an infection significantly raises antibody levels. This debate never was a debate. It is just anti-vaxxers substituting their preferences for the facts. Here is some prior coverage.

Cop dies of COVID while on leave for missing vaccine mandate deadline: . Police resistance to the mandate was sure to produce cases like this.

WSJ: Some countries delay child vaccinations: .

Russia sets yet another daily COVID case record: . This situation shouts to you the ridiculous nature of the natural immunity argument.

Abuse in the Air Force: New government report: . On one hand, it’s hardly surprising that there are significant levels of abusive behavior in a military organization. On the other hand, given the commitment someone makes when joining the service, the level of reported abuse is quite disturbing. The comment that those suffering abuse were more likely to complete the survey is debatable. Almost all prior work in the area of abuse shows that the majority of women suffering actionable abuse (rape or other assault) do not report the abuse to authorities. Why should the military surveys be any different?

Nations go into overtime to reach climate change agreement in Glasgow, but result is inadequate to hold global temperature increase to 1.5 degree Centigrade target: . And one has to doubt that the promises will be anything like fully achieved. WSJ: More: . Still more: . We will never return to the current (record) average global temperature in my lifetime.

Youngest workers see most substantial wage increases: . When you make $15 an hour, a 9.8% wage increase is $1.47 an hour.

National Peanut Festival wraps up in southeast Alabama: . So, not being able to travel is really not that bad.