News for March 15 — mRNA Vaccines Spur Plasmablast Response

mRNA vaccines spur lymph node plasmablast response: . This is a very specific description of how the vaccines cause certain white blood cells (plasmablasts) to generate antibodies.

Can mRNA vaccine advances be used to treat cancer?: . This possibility has been out there for some time. The vaccine advances hold promise for other mRNA treatments because suitable delivery mechanisms have now been proven safe and effective.

COVID deaths fall 22%, daily vaccinations hit 2.4 million: . Unfortunately, pandemic travel also hit a record this weekend as spring break starts.

WSJ: COVID long-haulers: . Note that 10% to 30% of cases, including those with mild or no initial systems, suffer long-term effects. We believe around 30% of the US population has been infected, and the pandemic continues. So worst case, we could have 10% or more of the US population suffering from long COVID. That is simply unprecedented for a respiratory disease.

Moderna tests booster shot: . Moderna is testing both a booster shot and a modified initial vaccination containing mRNA from the South African variant.

AstraZeneca vaccine paused across much of Western Europe: . This publicity strikes me as brutal (and likely terminal in Europe) for AstraZeneca’s future with this vaccine. Europe is being hammered by a new COVID surge. The WHO’s loss of credibility is being amplified by the number of countries disregarding their advice in favor of precautionary public safety. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

The problem of Republican vaccine hesitancy: . Once again, we confront the problem of false conspiracy theories promoted by a political leader. The Republicans currently have no one who will lead on this issue.

Corrections officers declining vaccination in large numbers: . The internet can be a tool for evil. Lack of understanding can literally kill these people. In addition, it risks major prison COVID outbreaks. The union could educate its members through videos featuring the antivax guards who became severely ill.

Puerto Rico proves strict public health procedures contain COVID: .

Hundreds of spring breakers arrested in Miami Beach for COVID violations: . This is not a good phone call home.

WSJ: Sacklers offer another $1.28 billion in opioid bankruptcy: .

Predicting the pandemic’s future: . Here is another article recommended to me by a thoughtful reader. This article differs from my viewpoint in several respects. First, I see variants as presenting significant risk. The US may be at an inflection point concerning the original COVID-19 strain, but we should expect significant outbreaks caused by current and future variants.

Second, will COVID ultimately become a mild disease? That hope seems overly based on the past example of influenza, which still kills thousands each year. The questions are to what extent vaccinations prepare our immune system for future variants, and how long vaccination immunity lasts. The mRNA vaccines are a powerful new tool which may get us to the “mild disease” result in a new way.

WSJ: China’s economy revs up: .

WSJ: Myanmar violence intensifies: . Note that the military is firing indiscriminately on unarmed protesters. The burning of Chinese factories points out the antidemocratic policies of china throughout Southeast Asia. More: .

Upcoming Senate bills: . The important strategy point is that Democrats get only one more reconciliation bill this year. It may be the only thing they pass. Infrastructure is the most logical bipartisan bill. Democrats are going to have a tough time finding a dozen Republican votes even for this popular activity. So, the Democrats will likely try bipartisanship but quickly pivot to reconciliation.

Then, to pass anything else, Democrats will be forced to reform the filibuster. If they fail in passing anything else this year, the disappointment in the progressive wing of the party could lead to disaster in 2022. I would think every Democrat leader understands these dynamics.

The infrastructure push: .

Significant tax increase on the wealthy may be coming: . Manchin’s positions are of interest. Personally, I like the 25% corporate tax rate better than 21% or 28% based on the Goldilocks theory. That is, 21% is too low and 28% too high. I also approve on increased taxes on those making more than $400,000. That is what Biden campaigned on.

WSJ: Question: What do Republicans stand for?: . Answer: Nothing. Remember that the Republican national platform for 2020 was to just recycle the 2016 platform. This is intellectual bankruptcy, pure and simple.

WSJ: A preview of the stimulus roadshow: .

Global debt: . I would agree that more defaults are likely, and in the next two years. The result will rattle stock wealth around the world. This shows the enormous bet Biden is making on stimulus to spur the US economy. Remember that most countries outside of the developed nations have had limited vaccinations so far. As the pandemic lengthens, these financial issues become more severe. SCMP is owned by Alibaba. WSJ: More on Biden’s bet: .

WSJ: The other shoe drops on SCMP: . Beijing plays for keeps. We have to up our game.

Insurrectionist nut to stay locked up: . Words plus action of this nature cannot be ignored. This is not “just talk”.

FBI declares Nashville bomber a lone nut: . WSJ: More: .

The group of nuts known as the Texas GOP sprays the legislature with voter suppression bills: . These bills promote (Democratic) voter suppression allegedly to solve the non-existent problem of voter fraud. This is repulsive political behavior in a democracy.

The struggle over voting rights: . This legislation is not going to receive much Republican support in its current form. The $30 million expenditure may be setting up this issue for 2022.

Deb Haaland confirmed as Interior Secretary: . Haaland is the first Cabinet-level Native American. She received 4 Republican votes (Graham, Collins, and Murkowski and Sullivan of Alaska, reflecting the importance of the Native American vote there): . WSJ: More: .

Is clean coal a lie?: . The industry does need to answer this evidence. This may be a multibillion dollar tax scam. The ownership of massive credits by an insurance broker and various non-energy entities is also troubling. Coal has been an economically failing proposition for some time. This could speed its demise. I wonder what Joe Manchin thinks.

Charges filed in Sicknick death: . Clearly an assault against the officer is provable. That death occurred from the bear spray seems probable. The questions are how clearly the death connection can be proven, and whether the death was foreseeable. The result may be negligent homicide. WSJ: More: .

Capitol Police have issues in the ranks: . This appears to be a jaw-dropping lack of judgment.

Some cancels are warranted: . Pepe made me uncomfortable as a child, and that was quite a while back. As for Dr. Seuss, I remember the racist images in some of those books, too. It is appropriate brand management to leave those behind. The small beach town where my family went had a small breakfast place called Little Black Sambo’s, part of a chain named after its founders. However, everyone associated it with the children’s book of that name. The place changed to Lil’ Sambo’s many years ago and continued for years before ultimately closing. Thank goodness times change.