News for July 14 — More on Artificial Sweetener Safety

More on artificial sweetener safety: . However, there’s just no reason to consume this stuff. Personally, I eat very little sugar. Also, I have modified most of my recipes to use honey rather than refined sugar. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Medical price transparency in Virginia: . So if this is successful, it could have national impact.

Eli Lilly buys obesity drug maker: WSJ: .

WSJ: US mental health needs grow: . And this does not count GOP members who have lost touch with reality.

New student loan debt forgiveness plan: . WSJ: More: .

Earnings season starts with banks’ ongoing weaknesses: . WSJ: More: . Notice the lousy deposit numbers.

WSJ: Binance shrinks its workforce: .

WSJ: Microsoft Activision acquisition clears another hurdle: .                                                                                                                                                                                 (a, 7/13/23)

Taylor Swift saves the US economy: . Analysis is apparently on vacation.

State and local governments spend US COVID aid: . In essence, this aid was for the financial effects of COVID on government revenues. This is because reduced economic activity reduced tax income. Since state and local governments are required to balance their budgets, this aid was like a general discretionary grant for each to spend as they thought best.

WSJ: Fed rate hikes: . As readers know, I am on the side of the hawks. Short of shocking data, the Fed will increase rates by 25 basis points at the end of July. I agree that there will be much more data by September, and that will drive that decision. However, core inflation remains at 4.8% and employment remains strong. So there will have to be very significant progress toward 2% inflation by September, and I don’t see that. More likely, inflation will remain sticky.

WSJ: Mackintosh summarizes current economic indicators: Well, for the first time in quite a while, Mackintosh says something I agree with: he is confused (as he usually is). The key issues are the ones mentioned above, core inflation and unemployment levels. Mackintosh would do better to look at the signs on the federal interstates, not the rural roads. However, you may find the details in this article useful.

WSJ: Chinese economy remains weak: . We are still looking at a global recession. This is because world’s two largest economies remain in trouble, and Europe if anything is worse off.

Fifth Circuit blocks lower court order preventing feds from working with social media organizations to correct misinformation: . As the Fifth Circuit is probably the most conservative appeals court in the country, this tells you how wacko the judge’s order was. WSJ: Meanwhile, we disgrace ourselves once again: . So no reasonable person would describe what’s going on here as “disfavored political views”. It is misinformation that can kill people. Every day now, the Journal declares itself to be a joke masquerading as a member of the media.

House GOP loads defense spending bill with culture war baggage: . One expects that this crap goes nowhere in the Senate. However, the question is whether Senate Republicans will stand up and be counted for governance. At present that question is still out. WSJ: We talk smack to appease our readers: . However this newly created mess turns out, the Journal has abandoned any shred of journalistic integrity by reporting the GOP comments as if they represent rational thought.

WSJ: Milley supports faster arms delivery to Taiwan: . This seems indisputably an excellent idea that deserves top priority.

WSJ: The future of drones: . This seems very cost effective in comparison to satellite launches. Maintenance is also easier. However, having one fall out of the sky in a populated area would be a big problem.

Another January 6 insurrectionist sentenced to 87 months in prison: . This sentence is driven by the level of violence he visited upon the police.

WSJ: Orange Julius’ desperation grows: . This filing is completely illogical. It only demonstrates that OJ and his legal team all know he is guilty on all counts, whatever Fani Willis decides to charge.

Las Vegas police officer guilty of three casino heists: . So as life choices go, this is about as off the rails as one can get. By the way, the mask is supposed to cover your face.

WSJ: EPA federal green bank: .

Michael Milken: Past, present and future: WSJ: .

WSJ: “Rhymes with” Tucker Carlson to launch his own media company: . Launch? By definition, this project will be a little dinghy. It will also fail, unless Tucker can get some idiot conservative broadcaster to buy his content. But one expects this would be fraught with legal risks. WSJ: more: .

Deadliest 6 months in US history for mass killings: . So we have Justice Scalia and the current Supreme Court to thank for this authorized insanity. Military-style weapons do not belong in the hands of any member of the general public.

Suspect arrested in Long Island serial killings: . More on the suspect: .

WSJ: Disney struggles: .

World faces sriracha shortage: .

WSJ: Perhaps the best in our series of personal car stories: . I can pretty much guarantee you’ve never seen this car model before.

WSJ: The result of moving from Oregon to Scotland to evade the Vietnam draft: . And a very impressive result it is.