News for November 20 — More Free COVID Tests Available

More free COVID tests available: . Just in time for the holidays … COVID is the “gift” that keeps on giving …

Bayer loses more Round-Up cases: . While I agree that the $500 million punitive damage awards may face reduction, let’s suppose they are cut to $100 million. This means the 3 main plaintiffs have an average award of $120 million per person. As the article notes, there are 165,000 plaintiffs (and growing). There’s no way Bayer survives if the average award continues at even $10 million per person. Bayer should make much greater efforts to settle these cases, which have “drug” on for years, and they should take this stuff off the market. WSJ: More: .

Bayer’s acquisition of Monsanto has to rate high on the list of historically stupid corporate moves. I suppose it’s good for the plaintiffs, as there is now a deeper pocket to reimburse them for their medical issues, and pain and suffering. But there is no excuse other than corporate greed for keeping this product on the market.

WSJ: The futures of Moderna and Pfizer: . Well, maybe. COVID remains endemic, and declining US vaccination represents increasing vulnerability and risk.

Election year economy looks good for Biden: . Yes, but his 39% approval rating looks horrible, and that’s more important. Also, the fact-free behavior of GOP voters remains a significant danger (see below).

Turmoil in AI: . Microsoft has very good chances to steal most of OpenAI’s employees. At that point, I would guess they could then acquire OpenAI at a fraction of its former $80 billion valuation. The board of directors will likely face a massive lawsuit over this poorly thought-out decision. WSJ: A different take: . Still more: . Also: . The Journal views this situation as a crisis for Microsoft, while I view it as an opportunity. We will see …

WSJ: Will Argentina adopt the US dollar as its currency?: . Certainly, the dollar has been Argentina’s unofficial currency for decades. However, this conversion would require funds which Argentina does not have. We must wait and see.

WSJ: Israel turns fight to southern Gaza: . The horrible humanitarian crisis is about to deepen.

Orange Julius gag order nears revival: I continue to consider this an obvious case for a gag order. OJ clearly has the capacity to incite his zombie army to violence. The right to free speech is of course not unlimited, and OJ’s attorneys have made arguments that may play well with the zombies but have no place in court. It appears the panel is looking to slightly narrow the order, and will rule rapidly since they (dangerously) temporarily stayed it. WSJ: More: .

Six in 10 OJ voters say “there’s a chance” they’d vote for someone else in GOP primary: . Hah. Here is the relevant (actual) movie script: He: So what are my chances with you? One in a thousand? She: More like one in million …   He: So you mean there’s a chance … The movie? “Dumb and Dumber”, which turns out to be a damn prescient movie.

The East Coast Bias grows in college football: . Look, Florida State is out because their quarterback is out for the season. One hopes Louisville will finish them off and put them out of this discussion. However, even more outrageous is ranking Michigan #3. They have not faced much ranked competition (because the Big 10 is weak this year). They barely beat 6-5 Maryland, and have shown little offense in their past several games.

The loser of the Ohio State – Michigan game should be out of the Top 4. The Oregon – Oregon State game is unpredictable, but Bo Nix is playing so well right now I think Oregon will win. For the same reason, Oregon will beat Washington in the Pac-12 championship game and will get into the Top 4. But if Oregon beats Washington by a narrow margin, Washington also deserves to be in the Top 4, which should be Georgia #1/ Oregon #2/ Ohio State #3/ Washington #4. Also, Harbaugh’s suspension for the Ohio State game IMPROVES Michigan’s chances, so let’s not hear that crap if (when) they lose.

WSJ: Gee, there’s $1 billion in injured NFL quarterbacks: . So, we can predict more rules protecting the quarterback. However, Cleveland’s Deshaun Watson deal was incredibly stupid, and they are getting exactly what they deserve.

Rosalynn Carter passes at 96: . Much more: .