News for December 28 — Monoclonal Antibody Treatments

Monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID is available but unused: . Recall that Trump received and touted the Regeneron monoclonal antibody treatment. This occurred prior to the EUA by the FDA. There was then controversy that Trump received the drug when it was in short supply. Even Bill Gates promoted the treatment. Apparently the medical world now does not regard monoclonal antibody treatment as sufficiently proven to justify its broad use.

One in 1,000 Americans has died of COVID so far this year; new surge anticipated following holiday travel: .

WSJ: Novavax enters Phase 3 trials: . The trial has been delayed by manufacturing issues. Results are expected in spring 2021 at the earliest.

Biden will use Defense Production Act to ramp up vaccine production: . And why isn’t Trump doing this now … or a month ago?

Vaccine delivery networks new ransomware target: .

WSJ: Cuomo plans $1 million fines for violating vaccine priorities: .

ICU’s full, new lockdowns likely in Southern California: .

More countries detect UK, South African variant strains: . India finds 6 cases of UK variant: . The US failure to routinely do genomic sequencing endangers us all. Seriously. India knows and is doing contact tracing. We have no idea.

Philippines expands travel ban to limit UK strain spread: .

NYC moves 12,000 students without COVID test permissions to remote learning: . One wonders about grades and delinquencies among these students going forward.

50 vials of Moderna vaccine wasted: . This appears to equate to 250 to 300 doses, if the Pfizer vial fill is any guide.

Russia admits 186,000 Russians have died of COVID-19: . The problem is actually more severe than the article suggests. As Russia’s population is 146 million, their death toll per million is worse than in the US. One in every 785 Russians has died from COVID-19 so far this year.

Clarifying the COVID-leprosy comparison: My comments on this matter yesterday were a bit too lax. We know that some people have become reinfected, in which case they would shed virus. These cases are in general (but not always) milder than the initial infection. However, some doctors believe that some reinfections are so mild as to be asymptomatic, and therefore they may be currently undercounted. So, while I stand by yesterday’s comments, it is possible that a person who has recovered from COVID could become reinfected and shed virus. It is also possible that reinfections occur more frequently than the current expectations.

Brexit summary: . The Guardian’s material is a useful comparison to the WSJ material provided earlier.

WSJ: Brexit: What’s next for UK?: . No one knows. That doesn’t seem positive for business.

Doctor critical of Trump parade works his last shift at Walter Reed: .

NY Post tells Donnie to take a nice warm cup of shut the hell up: . This is notable as the Post is a conservative paper that not only endorsed Trump but spread the conspiracy theories centered on Hunter Biden.

Fruitcake after Christmas trends toward doorstop: . Pence’s role is essentially ceremonial, fortunately. Intellectually, Gohmert has been a doorstop for years. In 2014, Gohmert nominated Allen West for Speaker of the House against John Boehner, even though West was no longer a member of the House:–politics.html .

House will pass $2,000 stimulus checks: . This article discloses the cost of the additional stimulus at $464 billion. It faces a real challenge from Senate Republicans. It also puts the Georgia Senators in an awkward spot as Trump supports the measure. UPDATE: The House did pass the bill with some Republican support, receiving the needed 2/3 majority (275-134): .

How Trump caved on signing the stimulus bill: . So his negotiating win is that Congress will look carefully at voter fraud? What an incompetent jerk this loser is. Remember, his delay cost millions a week of $300 unemployment benefits they desperately need.

The Georgia Senate races: (link replaced 1/6/21; original link was NY Times article, which are often mostly copied in Indian news outlets). Hard information is hard to come by. As best I can tell, Democratic turnout in rural Georgia is lagging. Turnout is the key decider in these races.

Cost estimate of the overall stimulus package from CRFB: .

House to vote on defense veto override: . UPDATE: House easily passes override 322-87: . WSJ: More: .

Trump administration continues to stonewall transition: . We have never seen this sort of threat to national security. WSJ: More: .

The media as “enemy of the people”: . To me, this is an existential issue regarding democracy and civilization. The public conversation must recenter on facts and logic. What we really care about in Portland – beer: . Good reporting on how the craft brewing industry here has tried to survive 2020.