News for June 4 — Monkeypox Spreading Undetected for Months

Monkeypox spreading undetected for months: . Current data definitely points to this conclusion. Multiple variants have appeared, and these took months to develop in the highly contagious COVID-19. Many mild monkeypox cases were previously misidentified as another disease. Even with 5 identified cases in New York, no information so far indicates a connection between them. So slow, surreptitious spread is the most obvious explanation of the available information.

WSJ: Infant formula shortage until mid-July: .

Uvalde mom threatened by police: . The Uvalde police performance looks increasingly incompetent, if that’s possible.

WSJ: Eastern Ukraine fight focuses on Severodonetsk: .

Senator Ben Sasse of Colorado says the US has a government of weirdos: . Well, he has it half right. Let’s cut to the chase here. Here are 5 weirdos in the US Senate: (1) Mitch McConnell; (2) Ted Cruz; (3) Josh Hawley; (4) Rand Paul; and (5) Lindsay Graham. I’ll skip the documentation for this note, but we regularly document here the disgusting behavior of Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley. As there are 50 Republican senators, this is 10% of their membership – and there are more weirdos in their ranks.

Now, among the 50 Democrats in the Senate, who is as weird as any of these 5? As Sasse complains of the far left, is he speaking of Bernie Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren? First, I agree with many of the views of those two, but many of these ideas have no current chance of becoming law. Second, I believe they are sincere, rational, caring people. Who would say that about any of the 5 Republicans named above?

Since Sasse is speaking to Republicans, he must say there are weirdos on both sides. But the evidence does not support that thesis.

Musk now says headcount at Tesla will increase: . This raises questions about Tesla’s assembly process. Clearly, their CEO has more than a couple of screws loose.

Possibly Musk follows the Orange Julius model of consistently saying screwball things in order to keep his name on the “front page”. However, the SEC has previously fined Musk for his statements which violate securities law. In my view, his behavior toward Twitter has damaged the company, and he is likely to be sued if his acquisition does not go through.

While Saturday always has the fewest news article released, for the first time in our 700+ consecutive daily newsletters, I did not find a worthy COVID article to include in today’s edition.