News for May 25 — Moderna Seeks Vaccine EUA for Kids

Moderna seeks vaccine EUA for kids 12 and over: . In other reporting, Moderna says its vaccine is 93% effective in kids age 12 to 17 after the first dose, and 100% effective two weeks after the second: . WSJ: More: .

COVID-19 and myocarditis in kids: . The headline here is misleading, and there is no new information in this article. The CDC investigation continues. We do know that any vaccine injection can cause topical inflammation. The question is whether the COVID vaccine can also inflame the heart. The reported incidence is so low, a causal connection seems unlikely.

Will COVID become weaker?: . As stated repeatedly here, there is no evidence that this will occur. There is essentially no actionable information in this speculation piece. Of most interest is the suggestion that a coronavirus could have caused the 1889 “Russian flu” epidemic. Let us know if there is more evidence than a weak timing connection. Otherwise, remember that the variants which have emerged are more infectious and more deadly than the original strain.

William Shakespeare, first man to receive COVID vaccine, dies of unrelated causes: .

Jobs are open because the pay sucks: . The GOP governors who cut off federal unemployment benefits to their constituents have hurt their citizens. They may have given a major gift to the Democrats, although a really sad one.

WSJ: Infrastructure negotiations continue: . Obama proposed an $800 million infrastructure plan; OJ a $1 trillion plan. The GOP is just coming up to a figure that is a minimum of what everyone agrees on.

Honest people: . Note that (1) the honest people appear to be immigrants, and (2) AP lists this under “oddities”.

Dishonest Congresswoman: . She is a complete nutjob, but she knows what she is doing (that is, she is insane but not criminally insane). Greene is in my view merely a symptom of the OJ disease gripping the GOP.

The OJ disease in full force: . This is the modern version of the circus. Give the suckers what they want, and charge admission. It is the political equivalent of pornography, and apparently even more addictive. It is also more harmful to the body politic. More: .

The bell tolls for OJ: . More: . WSJ: More: . Note that the grand jury is to meet 3 days a week for the next 6 months. While that entire amount of time may not be used, we can be quite sure Trump will be indicted. You do not take this step in such a high profile case without near certainty that an indictment follows – otherwise, it looks like a witch hunt.

The time frame for the grand jury indicates that they will be examining an extensive pattern of misbehavior. The basis appears to be along the lines Michael Cohen has already stated. That is, property values were inflated for loans, deflated for taxes. Testimony by both Cohen and Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg seems likely. It appears indictment will occur in 2021, with trial in 2022. So OJ will be in the headlines in another election year.

You would have thought every Republican politician saw this coming. Since they refused to impeach (House) or convict (Senate), you’d think they’ll hang in there quite a while this time around. Still, it is unusual for rats to go down with the ship.

Florida GOP remains a joke: . It’s well-established federal law that social media platforms have broad First Amendment rights. This law stands no chance in federal court. Oh, and carving out Disney is pretty much tattooing a big red L on your forehead. There are better uses for taxpayer money.