News for April 23 — Mississippi Bans COVID Vaccine Mandates

Mississippi law bans COVID vaccine mandates: . America’s Third World has spoken …

Shanghai COVID surge continues: . Note that cases went back above 20,000 on Saturday. As to the Zero COVID policy, I had a boss about 35 years ago, a former longshoreman, who would have described this as “pissing up a rope”. In other words, the futility of China’s policy is obvious to everyone.

Shanghai seals residents in buildings struck by COVID: .

WSJ: More evidence Shanghai COVID surge is out of control and underreported: . Meanwhile, most Chinese have no idea how bad things are in Shanghai: .

Russia reverses course, attempts to storm Mariupol steel plant: . Apparently, Putin’s televised order two days ago to simply close off the plant was just a phony photo-op to be fed to the Russian people.

WSJ: Russia executed civilians in Bucha: . Putin missed the mark in his rationale for the war. There are now Nazis in Ukraine – they are Russian troops.

Ukraine claims it destroyed a Russian command post in Kherson, killing two generals: . This was the first area Russia mostly subdued in the south. So if true, this is an impressive counterattack.

WSJ: Russia stops publishing economic data: . However, we’ll figure this out without published data.

“We Build the Wall” fraud admitted as 2 go to prison while Bannon goes free: . So how are there any GOP voters left?

January 6 committee wants Meadows to testify: .