News for November 13 — Medical Device Supply Chain Struggles

Medical device supply chain struggles: WSJ: . Here is a reason for delayed medical services which has had limited visibility.

China COVID protocols examined by Treasury Secretary Yellen: . Yellen will also seek information on problems in China’s property sector.

G20 pandemic fund: .

WSJ: Russia’s tech brain drain: . Who wants to live in a pariah nation?

WSJ: Ukraine rushes to restore utilities in Kherson: .

Exit polls show Orange Julius neutered the GOP wave: . Still, OJ plans to announce his presidential campaign on Tuesday, despite significant GOP pressure (including his own advisors) to delay until after the Georgia runoff election. The knives are out for OJ, and as usual he considers only his own interests. There is rapidly increasing bipartisan sentiment that OJ’s time has come and gone.

Possibly the only place where that is not true is the US House. NBC currently predicts the House will split 219 GOP, 216 Democratic, ± 4 seats. That is, the largest GOP margin is expected to be 223 to 212, while the smallest would be a Democratic majority of 220 to 215. So the expectation is a very slim GOP majority. With a huge number of OJ supporters in the House GOP (estimates are 155 or more), McCarthy will have a difficult time becoming Speaker without major concessions to the MAGA wing. Stay tuned.

WSJ: More election coverage: . Another disappointing article from the Journal fails to educate its readers. As mentioned yesterday, Joe Kent lost this previously GOP seat as a MAGA-maniac who ousted a moderate Republican in the primary. As Murdoch proves so often, his focus is on building his empire and spewing tripe. A responsible publication would hold some allegiance to American democracy.

WSJ: Election deniers shut out in Secretary of State races: .

Vintage aircraft show collision kills 6: . This is the latest in a long string of this type of accident: . I do not agree that these shows remain safe. Both the pilots and the planes are getting older, so that some of the people who fly these planes either are advanced in years or have limited hours flying the vintage planes. Not only does this form a recipe for disaster, we have a considerable list of such disasters. WSJ: More: .

US housing prices may fall 15% or more: . In the past, the Fed’s rapid increase of interest rates would have this sort of effect. The picture is more complicated now because of Wall Street’s recent interest in buying homes for cash to flip or rent. However, the flippers’ algorithms have overvalued houses. They are now exiting the business, depressing home prices in the “hot” markets where they accumulated properties.

Here’s another reason not to own Tesla stock: . Dowd’s fundamental vision is that error elimination in code must be a never-ending process in order to improve the product. That vision is particularly important – crucial, really – where software interacts with personal safety, as in self-driving cars.

Musk’s management reputation is also suffering: . Properly suffering, in my view.

Meanwhile, Musk complains of overwork: . You always work hard when you don’t know what you’re doing. How long is it going to take this genius to realize this?

Tulsa Race Massacre victim had gunshot wound to the head: .                                                                                                                                        (TRM, 11/10/22)

US border agency chief resigns: . The choices he was given by President Biden were resign or be fired. Good choice.

Flight diverts to Atlanta after unruly passenger seen with box cutter: . The facts so far make a strong case for jail time.

Jeff Bezos gives $100 million to Dolly Parton to donate to charity: . I guess if Bezos feels uninformed about how to give his money to charity, Dolly Parton is a good choice. But his ex-wife has given billions to charity, and her grants appear to be well-researched. Odd …

Bomb rocks Istanbul: 6 dead, dozens hurt: . So far no one has claimed responsibility.

Banksy artwork appears outside Kyiv: .