News for December 24 — Mass Murder Continues in China

Mass murder continues in China: .

Chinese cities reveal extent of government undercount: . Readers will remember that India pulled these same shenanigans. Meanwhile, the government looks for better ways to hide the truth: .

WSJ: We STILL don’t understand COVID: . How embarrassing is this commentary? As we have said from Day 1, this is an arms race between the virus and the vaccines. China is unarmed. The US continues to run an average of 350 deaths a day. China has 4½  times the US population with limited immunity provided by vaccines and no antibodies from prior infections. The current estimates of 5,000 daily deaths in China seem reasonable to me. If anything, they are low.

WSJ: Ukraine war pushing Turkey closer to Russia: . Erdogan just plays the cards currently dealt. However, damaging his relationship with the West is a very dangerous game.

Kari Lake loses her election fraud suit: . WSJ: More: . Buh-bye …

Adam Schiff says one aspect of the January 6 insurrection has not received enough attention: . Schiff is absolutely right. These GOP senators and congresspersons were participants in the insurrection.

Editions of the January 6 report already on Amazon bestseller list: . I wonder if Democrats will be giving these as gifts to their GOP family members …

Pele’s family gathers at Sao Paulo hospital: .

As to yesterday’s newsletter, posted to the site but not arriving in your inbox: Portland had a freezing rain event the evening of December 22. In order to cook Christmas dinner for my family, I stayed over at my daughter’s the night of December 22, which is where I wrote the newsletter for that day. As expected, we were trapped in the house by the morning of December 23. I prepared the dinner as planned, and then completed the newsletter thereafter. I was just about to post the newsletter when the power failed at 12:53 am. My daughter had the equivalent of a telephone hotspot, so I logged into that system and posted the newsletter – at 1:01 am. So, one minute too late for my newsletter vendor … sigh …

The freeze has broken, so I’m writing tonight from my home, where the power was not interrupted last night …