News for May 16 — Majority of COVID Spread Asymptomatic

Majority of COVID spread asymptomatic: . The percentage could be 60%, or even higher with the Omicron variants.

US COVID deaths at 1 million: .

US COVID cases continue to surge: . And remember, cases remain seriously underreported because of asymptomatic transmission and at-home testing. So this peak is significantly higher than the reporting indicates.

Potential link between coronavirus and severe hepatitis in children: .

WSJ: Strategies for long COVID fatigue: .

New US hospitals need CARES Act funds: . It seems clear that if the hospital provided the care, they should get the funds. But there may need to be Congressional action to straighten this out.

COVID cases continue in Shanghai: . As the full and partial lockdowns continue into their seventh week, the failure of Zero COVID remains painfully apparent. Ditto for Beijing: . WSJ: More: .

North Korea using COVID home remedies: . It is simply appalling that North Korea was offered but repeatedly refused millions of vaccine doses from COVAX. As to the home remedies, this is not even 19th century medicine. WSJ: More: .

However, of course the majority of unvaccinated people survive COVID without medicine. Also, since North Korea has no testing, it considers everyone with a fever to have COVID. So many of these people will survive what is actually the common cold. Still, I am grateful not to have been born in North Korea … or Iran, or Russia, or Africa, or the Middle East, or Central Asia, or … More: . Still more: .

Deal reopens infant formula plant: . Abbott expects to be producing formula in two weeks, with product reaching shelves in 6 to 8 weeks. The FDA will also allow foreign infant formula to be brought in on a temporary basis: .

UVa researchers create stem cell flexibility: . If you are familiar with stem cell transplants, you will see that this research has major therapeutic implications. Ultimately, the transplanted cells could be tailored to do the exact type of repairs the patient needs.

Cure for deadly brain tumors advances: .

Putin backs down on Finland and Sweden joining NATO: . I believe the reporting here misses the point. Sweden and Finland have previously said that they will not allow the stationing of NATO forces or equipment on their territory. So Putin is backing down here.

Turkey continues its opposition to these countries joining NATO: . WSJ: More: .

France steps in to defend Finland and Sweden: . This must be less than comforting to the Scandinavians. When you Google “When was the last time France won a war?”, the answer is the French victory over the English at the Battle of Castillon, ending the Hundred Years’ War (in July, 1453). That’s about 40 years before Columbus sailed to the New World.

WSJ: As Ukraine gains, how desperate will Putin become?: .

A primer on “white replacement theory”: . This is the lunatic conspiracy theory behind the disturbed 18-year-old who committed mass murder in Buffalo. While this intellectual trash is abhorrent, we need to stay vigilant. As the article notes, “Rhymes with” Tucker Carlson provides this manure to his audience in an “easier-to-swallow pill”. The right is truly a basket of deplorables, and we need to keep that in mind. More: . Still more: . And: .

Meanwhile, responsible news organizations are focusing on “Rhymes with” and his connection to the Buffalo shooting: . More (LA Times): .

Seth Meyers calls out “Rhymes with”: . However, “Rhymes with” is the major moneymaker for Fox “News”, so all this is likely to go nowhere.

China’s real estate market goes deeper into the tank: .