News for May 25 — Long COVID Remains Significant Risk

Long COVID remains significant risk: .

Pfizer to offer poor nations low-cost COVID vaccines and drugs: . WSJ: More: .

Senator Cassidy of Louisiana learns the dangers of data analysis: . Cassidy, who is a physician, suggests he can erase the problem of black maternal mortality by changing the definitions. He also suggests that one cause is violence against the mother. Lastly, the comment about “for whatever reason” suggests that there’s no basis for an analytic result. It’s a good thing for Louisiana that he left medical practice.

Fed expects 50 basis point rate hikes in June and July: . This is a clear admission by the Fed that they are seriously behind the inflation curve.

IIF cuts 2022 global GDP growth estimate in half, from 4.6% to 2.3%: . In other words, global growth will severely trail inflation. That is very bad for the global economy.

Twitter investors tell Musk ally to take a hike: . I still think Musk has done damage to Twitter’s business and reputation. Could investors sue for specific performance (that is, force Musk to complete the deal at the accepted offer price)?

Some Georgia GOP voters have moved on from Orange Julius: . My general takeaway is that Perdue ran ads supporting the Big Lie and election controversies, and Georgia GOP primary voters found that passé. Even Raffensperger won his race. If other red states follow suit, possibly we can get back to actual, fact-based democracy.

Animosity toward “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz boils over: . When I originally located this article, it was headlined “Congressman hurls expletives at Ted Cruz over shooting”. However, there was no evidence of that. It turned out the article had been shortened when republished. When I got to the original on Yahoo, the last two paragraphs fully supported the headline. And I totally agree that making fetuses sacred is appallingly hypocritical when you repeatedly fail to protect grade school children’s lives.

The NRA once again shows its complete insensitivity to this carnage, supported by their paid lap-dogs Lyin’ Ted and OJ: . WSJ: More: .

Beto O’Rourke straps on Greg Abbott: . I completely support O’Rourke’s position. Abbott has lately been generating publicity by loosening gun laws. This culture war garbage has nothing to do with governing, as the GOP “headliners” prove daily. WSJ: More: .

Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman speaks out on the shooting: .