News for September 10 — Legitimacy of US Supreme Court

Legitimacy of US Supreme Court: . Although I disagree with many of the Chief Justice’s rulings, I have never doubted that he is a very smart individual and an appropriate choice for Chief Justice. Also, his focus on “legitimacy” is more appropriate than Kamala Harris’ comment about “integrity”.

 Those things said, constitutional reality is that the judiciary is the weakest of the 3 branches of our government. In particular, it has no enforcement mechanism. Its main enforcement “mechanism”, therefore, is the respect of the general public. This has been a brutal year for the Court in that regard. The Court has never removed a right from the American people. The Dobbs decision, which reverses Roe so cavalierly, demonstrates at the least that Justice Alito should not have been appointed to the Court.

That is also true of the Justice who does not believe in stare decisis, Clarence Thomas.

Ukraine’s counteroffensive in the north pays rapid dividends: . The key points: (1) Ukraine has retaken considerable territory, which will further demoralize Russian troops; (2) Ukraine has regained a key rail hub, which will significantly disrupt Russian supply movements; and (3) The territorial advances allow Ukraine to move the advanced US artillery they use in range of many targets previously unreachable. While calling this a blitzkrieg is perhaps too enthusiastic, the Ukrainians have significantly changed the situation on the ground. WSJ: More: .

And the Russians confirm Ukraine’s news: . So we are hearing the truth and not propaganda.

WSJ: Global drought reduces hydropower: . Good grief! Duh, WSJ! Those of us who live in the West have been concerned about this problem for decades. We are well aware that dropping water levels will mean power cuts. Yes, this phenomenon has now spread around the world. But anyone who did not see this coming was not only not looking, they were not listening to the many voices screaming about this slow-rolling catastrophe.

A grand jury is following Orange Julius’ fund-raising between the 2020 election and January 6, 2021: . Recall that the January 6 committee has promised a September hearing that will discuss this same topic. It appears that another potentially devastating legal front has opened against OJ. This front involves defrauding his contributors. Also, WSJ apparently has less recall than the rest of us: .

Charles invested as King Charles III: .

Meanwhile, Charles inherits the bulk of Queen Elizabeth’s estate, valued at $500 million: . The entire royal estate, including properties the crown controls but cannot sell, is valued at $88 billion.

The joint appearance of Charles’ sons and their wives surprises everyone, and indicates coalescence of the family around the new King: .

WSJ: Queen Elizabeth’s funeral set for September 19 in Westminster Abbey: .