News for December 14 — Latest Omicron Findings and Predictions

Latest Omicron findings: . No real news here. However, as it takes about two weeks from infection for severe cases to emerge, we should have enough data to determine the severity of Omicron within the next month. The most robust data will likely come from the UK, unfortunately for them. But we are not far behind (see next four articles). WSJ: Omicron now 3% of US COVID cases: .

Latest Omicron predictions: .

Omicron spreading so fast it threatens Britain’s hospitals: .

Omicron could reach a peak surge as early as January: . Severity becomes a key question. Together with the current Delta surge, this could push many hospitals to full capacity again. Note that Omicron cases in the US have increased sevenfold in the last week.

WSJ: Pfizer says its antiviral pill works against Omicron: .

Get the booster or get Omicron: . WSJ: More: . Meanwhile, the knowledge-resistant will take Omicron’s perceived mildness as a vindication to stay unvaccinated.

WSJ: Omicron delays return to offices: .

WSJ: Our latest Omicron news summary: . The Journal updates this article almost daily, but it’s never quite up to date.

North Carolina confirms first Omicron case: . Omicron is now in 33 states.

Cornell University has over 900 COVID cases: . Many of the cases are Omicron. All of the Omicron cases identified so far are in fully vaccinated students. Apparently these cases are generally mild.

Kroger to eliminate some COVID-19 benefits for unvaccinated workers: . Meanwhile, here in Portland we face a strike by Kroger’s unionized employees starting Friday. WSJ: More: .

California exempts San Francisco from indoor mask mandate: . The redder areas of Southern California will not be happy.

Arizona hospitals currently stretched to the brink: .

1 in 4 Idaho COVID deaths in nursing homes: .

Supreme Court allows New York’s vaccine mandate for health care workers: . But Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch dissented. Thomas and Alito, of course, have a long record of lack of legal ability. Gorsuch unfortunately is heading toward the Dark Side.

Risk of heart complications greater from COVID than from vaccines: . Scientists are now being distracted from real work by trying to create evidence to educate those who won’t listen.

The psychology of inflation management: . The Fed has continued stimulus into a period of rising inflation and strong economic activity. This creates a “get it while you can” mentality that leads firms to raise prices to (a) regain pandemic losses; (b) support wage increases to attract and retain employees; or (c) raise profits. Because we manage on real-time data, it doesn’t take much of this “follow-on” inflation to convert “transitory” into structural. The Fed’s challenge is to unwind this in a way that does not spook the markets.

Fed expected to tighten policies in order to combat inflation: . The Santa Claus rally is looking like a lump of coal this year. WSJ: More: . Still more: . And: . This last item is likely terrifying the Fed.

Senate passes US debt limit increase, sends bill to Biden: .

Washington, DC, sues Proud Boys, Oath Keepers over January 6: . Holding these organizations financially responsible for their actions is the leading way of grinding them out of existence. Here is the case which put this strategy on the national scene. WSJ: More: .

House holds Mark Meadows in contempt: . Expect another prosecution from DOJ. However, the documents Meadows provided the committee before deciding not to cooperate have already created a firestorm. Meadows was texted by a variety of OJ family members and Fox “personalities” (an oxymoron if there ever was one) pleading with him to get OJ to go on TV to ask his supporters to stop: . WSJ: More: .

Majority of OJ voters now oppose encouraging people to get vaccinated: . So, once again, a majority of OJ voters are complete idiots. A majority think the virus is of little or no treat to themselves or the country. And 47% say the vaccine is a greater risk to their health than the coronavirus. With over 800,000 Americans dead in two years? Why do we allow these people to get on the Internet?

January 6 insurrectionist says he now realizes Orange Julius lied to him: . Note that this guy also fabricated a false narrative of why he attacked a Capitol police officer with a fire extinguisher. That is strong evidence of “no remorse” and casts doubt on his “conversion”.

WSJ: The iPhone feature to turn on before you die: . Doesn’t this idea depend on what’s on your iPhone? As the article notes, the feature is all or nothing. Redesign is coming. Or you could just buy two iPhones …

WSJ: The cybersecurity freak-out over Log4j: . You have probably heard of this panic already, but the Journal does a decent job of providing the details.

Malta becomes first European country to legalize cannabis: . This seems wise in terms on increasing tourism.