News for April 25 — Latest Information on Omicron BA2

Latest information on Omicron BA2: . Apparently, the mortality rate is not higher than original Omicron. However, we cannot effectively compute that rate because most cases are going unreported. I will mention that 3 people I know have come down with COVID in the past 10 days. All are in their 30’s and are seriously ill although not hospitalized. So my anecdotal information is that BA2 is highly transmissible and nothing to mess with.

WSJ: US COVID mortality in graphs: . This is a quick way to update your understanding of US COVID mortality over time, and by age group.

Fluvoxamine may reduce risk of COVID hospitalization: . Recent studies confirm similar findings from a year ago. As noted at that time, this drug was not promoted as a COVID strategy because it was cheap and readily available.

More evidence that adenovirus is driving kids’ hepatitis outbreak: .

White House keeps up the fight for COVID funding: . Failure to fund is just incredibly stupid for a pandemic that has killed a million or more Americans.

Judge will block lifting of Section 42 COVID exclusion at the border: .

Beto O’Rourke tests positive for COVID: . Obviously, this is not what anyone wants in he middle of a political campaign.

The pandemic’s effect on state-run preschool: . Considering the incredible importance of preschool, this is a devastating educational loss for the affected children.

Beijing puts Zero COVID in high gear in Beijing: . Concerns remain about the accuracy of Chinese data reporting. As Xi needs a win, Beijing presents an interesting challenge. Note that Shanghai’s daily cases stand at 17,000, a bit down from the recent 20,000+ days but certainly not control yet. More: . WSJ: Lockdown fears hammer Chinese stocks and currency: .

The remarkable Ukrainian stand at the Mariupol steel plant continues: . I tried to think of an appropriate historical parallel for this incredible bravery in the face of death. My vote is that this is Ukraine’s Alamo. However, at the Alamo, there was not the defense of innocent civilians occurring here. Also, we were the aggressors in the resulting war. Bravo to the Ukrainian heroes.

Ukraine’s army grows closer to the West: . This is an insightful observation. If Russian hostilities cease with an independent Ukraine, expect a new Marshall Plan that will rebuild Ukraine in a Western image.

Sweden and Finland agree to apply to NATO at the same time: . There is no doubt they will be admitted. Russia made the appalling strategic error of opening a multi-front blitzfart against Ukraine. Now the Western world has responded with a multi-front offensive against Russia.

WSJ: Russian military equipment losses in Ukraine will weaken Russia for years: . As we have said since early in the war, another massive strategic error was Russia’s failure to close the Ukraine-Polish border to Western resupply.

The US chooses to rub Putin’s nose in his mess: . This reflects growing US confidence that Russia not only cannot win this war, but has already lost. Biden’s strategy of releasing our intelligence on the war has been remarkably accurate and effective. It became a lynchpin in holding Europe together against Russia, which is the administration’s largest accomplishment in this war. WSJ: More: .

The sharks continue to circle Orange Julius: . Will someone please nail his ass to the wall? Please. Meanwhile, the contempt fine keeps running: . Is $10,000 per day more or less than OJ Junior’s cocaine expense? WSJ: More: .

Lessons for insurrectionists from January 6: . I agree with those who see January 6 as a learning opportunity for future insurrections. The lesson here is, don’t go on TV at the site and document your crimes. A deeper lesson is, if you’re really this clueless, don’t participate in an angry mob.

Fourth January 6 insurrection trial starts today: . In the first three trials, jurors have convicted the defendants of the 17 charges presented by prosecutors. This trial, like the first three, involves a novel defense. This time, it’s self-defense (when tackling a police officer). But the problem is, the video evidence does not support the defense. Also, the judge who saw it at the bond hearing stated that it was “among the most reprehensible” he had seen. It appears the prosecutors have prepared another turkey for barbeque.

Marjorie Taylor Greene texted Mark Meadows about imposing martial law: . But it appears this information did not enter the record at Greene’s trial concerning her ballot eligibility.

WSJ: Manchin promotes climate change compromise: . The Democrats need to get more done. However, the price for Manchin’s energy proposals should be his support of waiver of the filibuster for voting rights legislation.

Twit buys Twitter for $44 billion: . The company has a failing business model, so the board was right to take this premium and get out. The article makes the key point raised by many observers: removal of monitoring will drive out advertisers. Companies do not want their ads juxtaposed with inappropriate content. I can’t think of a more deserving know-it-all for a $44 billion loss than Elon Musk. WSJ: Apparently, Twitter’s bankers agree with me about the failing business model: . More: . Still more: . So clearly, Musk does not understand the complicated relationship between free speech and the truth. And: . Also: .