News for October 10 — Latest COVID Vaccination Poll Results

Latest COVID vaccination poll results: . The GOP base prefers candidates who encourage vaccination but oppose mandates. Parents of children ages 5 to 11 split on vaccinating their child: 37% yes, 35% no, 26% maybe. However, I continue to believe vaccines should be mandated for school attendance, with little to no exemptions. Specifically, a child with a blood disorder might be exempted if a doctor certifies there is a significant clotting risk. There is little justification for a religious exemption, in my view, based on the statements of religious leaders.

WSJ: Those vaccinated after a COVID infection probably don’t need booster: . I generally agree with this conclusion. However, individuals should consider their circumstances before making this decision. For example, persons over 65 and the immunocompromised might well benefit from a booster.

17% of critically ill COVID patients in England are unvaccinated pregnant women: . Online disinformation about infertility from the vaccine is not helping.

COVID patients have double the death risk if they contract the flu: . Details on this conclusion seem lacking.

WSJ: Younger Israelis skeptical of booster shot push: .

Thai government promotes green chiretta as COVID treatment: .

EPA nears plan to deal with toxic “forever” chemicals: . Many of humanity’s industrial endeavors produce toxic pollution.

WSJ: Rising real estate prices are disconnecting with appraisal values: . There are increasing signs that the US real estate market is overheating.

Southwest Airlines flight cancellations continue: . It is unclear whether staff calling in sick is related to COVID, either due to actual illness or in protest of the decision announced Monday to mandate employee vaccinations. However, Southwest’s ongoing cancellations are creating reliability concerns.

WSJ: A week has passed with no news on the “imminent” Evergrande deal: . Meanwhile, China’s real estate companies face a $5 trillion reckoning: . That’s one-third of China’s GDP of $15 trillion, which in turn is one-sixth of world economic output of $94 trillion. So this mess is a big deal. China’s crackdown on debt may unleash a contagion they cannot control.

WSJ: Afghan economy collapsing under severe drought: . The Taliban are proving unable to govern their prize. Somehow this reminds me of the GOP.