News for August 16 — Jill Biden Has COVID; Paxlovid Mouth

Jill Biden has COVID: . The list of public figures who’ve had COVID is now longer than the list of those who have not. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Paxlovid mouth: .

Over-the-counter hearing aids coming this fall: .

Bill Gates and the mosquito factory: . This plan seems likely to work, adding another tool in the world’s defense against disease.

President Biden signs Inflation Reduction Act, and issues this statement: . Somehow, OJ lunacy has reinfected the media, and Biden gets almost no press for this major accomplishment.

Putin predicts end of “unipolar” world: . Wait, who invaded Ukraine and turned their people into cannon fodder? I agree that we are heading toward a bipolar world. However, the poles are US and China, with Russia now a global pariah falling into China’s orbit.

And in 50 years, those poles may be US and India. China is rapidly aging due to its failed “one child” policy. India will shortly pass it in population, is advancing rapidly in education, and will soon grow stronger in technology. Also, English is an official language.

Ukraine advancing on Kherson: . While some part of this is Ukrainian propaganda, the resupply problem has likely caused Russian brass to withdraw across the river.

Liz Cheney loses GOP primary to an OJ zombie: . Well, this article is rather over the top. Wyoming voted nearly 70% for OJ in 2020, so Cheney knew she was taking a huge risk in voting for his impeachment. She chose truth and country over her seat in Congress.

The task for everyone who defends the truth is obvious. We cannot vote for any Republican until the GOP is purged of this anti-democratic lunacy. OJ’s picks already appear to be costing the GOP any chance of taking the Senate. The House is likely to go to the GOP, but only because the Democrats’ current margin is so thin and the opposition party almost always gains in an off-year election.

Additionally, we all must constantly raise the truth with GOP politicians. We need to force every lie back down their throats.

Another Orange Julius “defense” ignores the facts: . First, OJ pays no attention to the law or recordkeeping requirements. But second and more importantly, these documents were subpoenaed in June. At best this is an abject failure to cooperate in resolving this crime.

Judge sets hearing on motion to unseal affidavit: . The judge will not unseal the affidavit. There is no doubt that it contains confidential information that the government is not obligated to reveal at this time. OJ’s assertion that the judge should recuse himself is theater and has no basis in anything except attack on the process.

WSJ: Meanwhile, the DOJ investigation heats up: . These documents have a chain of possession, so how did they leave the White House in the first place?

Rick Scott’s incompetence boosts Democrats: . I appreciate the detailed and thorough reporting in this article. However, my analysis of the facts differs from the opinions offered in the article. First and foremost, the GOP decision to spend $36.5 million through mid-August is political malpractice. Many people, and particularly swing voters, pay little attention to the November campaigns before Labor Day.

Even if we buy Scott’s argument that the GOP wanted to control the airwaves in the summer (why?), he could have spent $10 million and outspent the Dems 5 to 1. The $26.5 million saved would have put the GOP on near equal footing with the Dems in terms of money in the bank. Their ad spending in Pennsylvania was a complete waste, as the polls and their spending cuts show. Apparently Mitch McConnell is about to make the same mistake with the SS Oz. If I was a GOP donor, I’d be angry at this foolish waste of funds.