News for October 20 — Human Challenge Vaccine Trials

Human challenge vaccine trials in UK: . Human challenge vaccine trials are normally done for diseases where a cure exists (that is, to improve existing therapies). There are serious ethical questions in this move. If someone dies, “First do no harm” is basically out the window. WSJ: More: .

Can COVID-19 cause diabetes?: .

CDC: US excess mortality in 2020 (January 26 to October 3) approaches 300,000: . The largest percentage increases are among Latinos and those aged 25 to 44.

Texas woman dies of COVID-19 on tarmac: . Um, so she was asymptomatic before the flight but died? She died in July, but Texas just reported this case. Why is that? We need to know more about this case.

US COVID-19 outlook through February is grim: .

COVID-19 embedded in global population and will not disappear: .

CDC official “disappeared” from public view: .

WSJ: East beats West in virus control: . It’s notable that Asians view the West as lacking discipline.

Ireland imposes 6 week lockdown, estimates loss of 150,000 jobs: .

WSJ: NYC MTA workers report nearly 25% infection rate: .

Thirona obtains patent for use of AI in lung scans for cystic fibrosis: .

WSJ: Global update: .

WSJ: COVID-19 exposes weaknesses in US financial system: .

WSJ: More workers give up looking for work: . This lowers the unemployment rate, but it is not good news.

WSJ: Disney objects to California’s reopening rules: .

WSJ: Stimulus negotiations, inch by inch: .

WSJ: New York faces $59 billion budget shortfall: . Once again, this is a revenue shortfall and has nothing to do with having a Democratic governor. Failure to provide federal help will put state workers out of work and deepen our economic troubles.

US v Google: . WSJ: More: . The timing of the filing appears to be an election stunt, as only 11 state attorneys general (all Republican) joined the suit. Still more: . And: . And: . What, more?: .

WSJ: Chips emigrate to Asia: . The Intel business plan: .

WSJ: UK banks downgraded: .

New Zealand imported Russian workers, 18 test positive for COVID-19: . More: .

Russia’s COVID-19 deaths may be worst in Europe: . Wait, a rogue demographer? This never came up in the actuarial exams.

WSJ: The German Marshall Fund of the US challenges WSF: . The GMF defense of its work cuts WSJ down a few notches. Good for them.

WSJ: The Marines take action: . And it’s past time for the Army to rename Ft. Hood and others with the names of Confederate generals.

WSJ: Court packing, pro and con: . Everyone is entitled to their opinion, although many of these are not well-formed. The Court needs an odd number of justices as a practical matter to avoid ties. The effective additions are therefore 2 or 4 justices.

If ACB is confirmed, the 6-3 conservative majority will be the most conservative Court certainly in the last 85 years, and perhaps ever. 7 of 9 justices will have been raised Roman Catholics. This is because the conservatives have given 6 current Catholic members lifetime appointments on one issue, abortion. This is a ridiculous process of Court appointments. Biden, as a Catholic, is in an excellent position to change this dynamic and separate church from state.

My preferred solution, if Democrats control the Senate, is for Congress to authorize President Biden to appoint 4 justices to the Court, within a time limit of 1 year. This could create a 7-6 liberal majority. However, the appointment process should be changed to appoint justices with an outstanding record of either well-written opinions (judges) or well-argued cases in front of the Supreme Court (lawyers). This standard would have disqualified ACB, and in my view Alito and Thomas. One year is suggested because the Democrats could lose the Senate in 2 years, although it is unlikely given the Senators up in 2022 (12 Democrats and 22 Republicans).

Biden could then appoint 4 distinguished jurists or lawyers. If there were a conservative departure, he could appoint 2, or none with 2 departures. The Court has already been packed, and the process must change to depoliticize the Court. The current process is unlikely to appoint another Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.; or Thurgood Marshall; or Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

TSA checks over 1 million travelers Sunday, highest in 6 months: .

WSJ: Broidy admits guilt: . Drain the swamp …

WSJ: Congressmen denied access to postal facilities: .

WSJ: Early ballots top 36 million: .

The Electoral College map: Most projections indicate 279 or more electoral votes already lean Biden. See for example the 538 snake: . With that intro, here is the WSJ tool: . Apparently WSJ is trying to let its conservative readers discover for themselves how difficult Trump’s re-election task is.

WSJ: More on the 5G iPhone: . It may finally be time to ditch my iPhone 5s.

A little quiz: What are the four largest cities in Europe by population? The answer: . The list is surprising for many reasons. These are the only 4 European cities with populations over 4 million.

There were cats in Peru before Christ: . What a wild discovery!