News for April 9 — Health Secretary Blasts Abortion Drug Ruling

Health secretary blasts abortion drug ruling: . It is VERY important to view this in a broader context to see what is happening here. The majority of Americans, including a majority of Republican voters, support a woman’s right to choose. What you’re seeing here is a preview of the Democrats’ 2024 strategy.

Flipping the Wisconsin Supreme Court (where the liberal won by 11 points in a swing state) has emboldened the Democrats: . Their victories in Michigan and KANSAS, for heavens’ sake, like Wisconsin, show that Democrats win even the small cities when abortion is the driver of an election. The GOP has spent 30 years packing the courts with abortion foes. The country moved on a long time ago. As you sow, so shall you reap. And right now, the GOP is on the verge of becoming a rural party – not a great crop.

Also, Becerra is not just the health secretary; he is a former California Attorney General. Becerra knows exactly what he is doing, and that is detailed in the prior paragraph. WSJ: More or less: . The science matters, dammit. The drug has been proven safe through 23 years of broad usage. Your job is to educate your readers; please stop pandering to the uneducated.    

The Journal’s response: Well, how about we lay all this off on Pence?: . No sale here. The GOP’s response seems to be, leave this to the states. These are people running for federal office. The Texas ruling is a federal court ruling from an OJ judge and applicable nationwide. As usual, the GOP runs away from actual policy and governance.

WSJ: Advances in inhalable therapies: .

The bacteria behind eyedrop infections: . It’s certainly a very serious situation, but the future is not as dire as this article suggests. Clearly the current explosion of cases is related to the infected eyedrops. Person-to-person spread has not been observed outside of nursing homes. Also, there is an effective antibiotic. With this knowledge, we have a good chance of halting the spread of this version of this bacterium.

WSJ: Gee, why are food prices going up?: . The Journal at best has given us a partial answer to half the question. Economics depend on the tension between supply and demand. Part of the development of the global supply chain was the economics of abundance. As the global mechanism has become more and more efficient each year, it acted as a counterweight to other inflation tendencies by increasing competition. The disruption of this mechanism, which currently looks long-term, removes the counterweight and in fact adds inflationary pressure.

Also, volumes and profits were hurt by the pandemic. As we come out of that environment, suppliers look to restore profits quickly, especially given recent shortages. And, as we have noted before, the extensive flooding in California will restrict the US food supply.

Boomer wealth squeezes millennials out of the housing market: . Many forces are at play in this situation. Because rents are strong and there are significant tax advantages to property ownership, wealthy individuals in every generation look to own homes to rent because of the strong rental market. Strong and pent-up demand has created stability in the housing market which was not there 40 years ago.

On the other side, mortgage rates have spiked, and will stay higher for some period, so the idea of buying and refinancing involves a longer timeframe and more upfront cash. Property taxes continue to rise as a percentage of the home’s value. And a recession is likely to reduce prices. As such, more highly leveraged owners could feel the strain to sell if the economy contracts.

WSJ: The Ukraine war moves toward spring intensification: . We can be sure casualties on both sides are about to accelerate. Meanwhile, we’re unsure what the pope said: . So is it too much to ask that you read your own copy? The pope asked people to pray for the Ukrainians! That is the headline!

WSJ: More on the leaked intelligence documents: . This information has appeared here previously in reporting from other sources. However: Leaked material was posted weeks ago: .

America starts to wave goodbye to Orange Julius: . The headline actually shorts the real news: a majority (53%) believes OJ intentionally did something illegal. Also note that only 25% now have a favorable view of OJ. As he lost by 8 million votes last time, OJ is not a viable candidate now. With other indictments expected, things are only going to get worse. WSJ: We’re trying to prepare our readers: . One is reminded that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. That has its limits as an editorial policy.

“Hubble trouble” indicates we don’t understand the universe: . No kidding? Cosmologists currently believe that 95% of the universe is composed of dark energy and dark matter. However, they don’t know what dark energy is: , or what dark matter is: . Obviously, we do not yet understand the universe.

The Clarence Thomas blowback just got smellier than a cannery: . As readers know, my view is not “everything is politics” (contrary to Orange Julius and today’s GOP).  The GOP’s packing of the courts with abortion foes (noted above) has led to the appointment of something other than the most qualified people. John Roberts strongly believes in protecting the integrity of the Court, and it is now at stake. He cannot sweep this under the rug; he must step up.

Tennessee lawmakers likely to be reinstated to their seats: . So here are a couple of easy predictions. First, these guys are election-proof if they wish to continue in their seats, people are that made about the way they were treated. Second, this one issue will cost the GOP its supermajority in the Tennessee legislature in the 2024 elections. Other reporting is that many of the GOP lawmakers ran without opposition in the last primary and general election. The Democrats will target the most vulnerable seats, and out-of-state money will support Democratic candidates in the targeted seats.

WSJ: Tesla expands in China: . This assumes Tesla expands its market share in China, and that US-China relations warm soon. Those are 2 iffy assumptions.

Maybe the automatic entry door should be using facial recognition: . As the article notes, moose can be very dangerous. Fortunately, however, the “situation” resolved without injury to moose or people.

The Masters: Jon Rahm charges from behind to win: . Although Phil Mickelson (another LIV golfer) had a terrific final nine holes, this was always a two-man contest between the PGA’s Rahm and the LIV’s Koepka. Rahm had the much better round today, winning the green jacket (and $10 million). Meanwhile, Tiger Woods withdrew before play started today: . Other reports indicated that he was visibly limping yesterday. WSJ: More: .

Webb Telescope tells you things you don’t want to hear: . The Webb Telescope tweeted “Uranus has never looked better”? You’re a telescope, not a proctologist, dammit (Bones McCoy reference). Butt out.