News for November 24 — Hamas Releases 24 Hostages

Hamas releases 24 hostages as temporary ceasefire takes hold: (initial report ststaed 25 hostages released). Other sources report that Hamas was eager to release the women and children it holds. The article notes that 3 American citizens are expected to be released in the overall group of 50 to be released initially. Wait, is it 24 hostages?: . Israel released 39 Palestinians in response to the 13 Israeli hostages released. That is, the other hostages (apparently 10 Thais and 1 Filipino) were released in a separate deal. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

FURTHER UPDATES: Other reporting confirms 24 hostages released. The “other” hostage release is apparently separate from the group of 50, so we may expect that another 37 hostages will be released, generating a release of another 111 Palestinian prisoners by the Israelis. Also, the “other” release of the 11 is part of a group of 21 primarily Thai hostages, so that there could be another deal for the remaining 10. So overall, Hamas could release 71 hostages (50+21) as part of these initial deals. Israel also offered an additional day of ceasefire for every additional 10 hostages released. Details of the 13 hostages already released: .

WSJ: Our take on last week’s chaos at OpenAI: . More: .

Goofy legal commentary on Orange Julius’ New York fraud trial: . This is plain wrong on multiple levels. This information came out during cross-examination of a defense witness. So Letitia James did not regard this evidence as important to her case, or she would have presented it herself. Judge Engoron has already granted a substantial partial summary judgment, so guilt is no longer at issue.

I included this to point out a feature of the expert’s situation that may not be obvious to non-Italian speakers. In Italian, “gallina” means “chicken” (specifically, hen). Poor Joe must have been mercilessly teased as a child. That may explain why he seeks publicity, even if it exposes his lack of competence.

WSJ: Rudy’s new Georgia lawyer: . Let’s just say this guy is not anyone’s idea of the first string.

FBI ends investigation of exploding car at US border: . As no evidence of terrorism exists,the FBI handed the case back to Niagara Falls police. Hopefully we will still learn what happened in this bizarre incident. UPDATE: The husband and wife involved, both 53, were wealthy long-time local residents who lived close to the falls. The mystery continues …

Crocodile egg hunter dies dangling from helicopter which ran out of fuel: . Um, how does the article not mention that this is an obvious case of negligent homicide?

Ohio brewery is smarter than everyone involved with the Michigan football program: . This is my favorite news story of the year. Here is the darker take by WSJ: .

WSJ: The weight of the Pac-12 demise falls on Washington State: . This situation is outrageously unfair to Washington State. However, the article passes over their greatest hope for salvation. A judge has ruled that the two remaining members of the Pac-12, Oregon State and Washington State, control the future of its assets, estimated at $300 to $400 million. While Oregon State remains nationally ranked heading into tonight’s Civil War game with Oregon, Washington State is now 5-6. Still, Washington State did beat Oregon State September 23, leading one of our local news stations to report “Washington State: Champions of the Pac-2?”

MAJOR UPDATE: Oregon beats Oregon State 31-7: . Oregon State played a great first half, but Oregon broke their spirit with a sensational drive to score a quick touchdown at the end of the half and lead 21-7. The Oregon defense then dominated the second half, securing the win.

Oregon now has a clear road to the national title. If they beat Washington in next week’s Pac-12 championship, they advance to the playoffs and must win two more games to be national champions. The way Bo Nix is playing right now, Oregon appears to have an excellent chance to win out.