News for May 6 — Half of Global COVID Deaths Unreported

Half of global COVID deaths unreported: . More: . I completely support using excess deaths as a measure of COVID deaths. We know that politicians have actively encouraged underreporting. Population mortality is well understood, and as such excess deaths in 2020 and 2021 are rightly attributed to COVID. Also, mask wearing almost eliminated the 2020-21 flu season, so excess deaths may actually understate the COVID toll.

The full tables are in this report: . Here is the data for the 5 countries with the most total deaths:

Country                                                           Actual deaths                    Reported deaths                               Ratio

United States                                        905,289                                    574,043                                         1.577

India                                                            654,395                                    221,181                                         2.959

Mexico                                                        617,127                                    217,694                                         2.835

Brazil                                                           595,903                                    408,680                                         1.458

Russian Federation                          593,610                                    109,334                                         5.429

These countries stand apart, as the next country in the list (United Kingdom) shows 209,661 deaths, just over 1/3 of Russia’s. Russia shows the most severe underreporting problem. Note that the US total far exceeds its total for the Civil War (750,000) and the 1918 pandemic (675,000), making this the deadliest event in US history. And almost all of these deaths are attributable to the abject incompetence of the hoax himself, Orange Julius. He is now one of the leading mass murderers in all of history. And I am dead serious.

Germany objects to Biden’s proposal to waive vaccine patent protections: . WSJ reporting on the proposal: . WSJ: Supply chain issues in growing vaccine production: . More: .

WSJ: Moderna turns first-ever profit: .

Vaccinations reach 148 million adults: (link replaced 6/15/21). Variants, variants, variants … are not going away. We still need effective contact tracing and more genomic sequencing. The latter is currently more likely than the former.

COVID neurological and psychiatric issues: . Will the psychiatric issues diminish when people accept that COVID is here to stay? The brain research mentioned yesterday remains important.

COVID psychosis: . This is just tragic.

Children now account for 22% of new COVID cases in the US: . We do know why. The new variants are as transmissible in children as in adults. Kids are now back in school, and we have seen outbreaks as a result. Particularly noteworthy are spring sports. The article does have this information, but it promotes a mystery which does not exist.

Why the India pandemic is immediately a global problem: (link replaced 5/25/21). Remember, production of 200 million vaccine doses a month means it takes 40 months to vaccinate 8 billion people even before you get to distribution issues and booster shots. The 40 months stretches to 80 if we are talking two-dose vaccines.

India’s daily case total again sets a new world record: .

Kamala Harris’ personal ties to the crisis in India: .

What’s going on in the Seychelles?: . So, over 1,000 cases in a population of 98,000 is about a 1% infection rate, even with foreigners representing 16% of cases. A 1% infection rate in the US would be over 3 million cases. Is it the South African variant or the level of protection offered by the Chinese and AstraZeneca/Indian vaccines? Remember that the AstraZeneca vaccine is believed to be ineffective against the South African variant.

Bees provide instant COVID test results: . Are we desperate yet? Will trained bees save the world? This could provide incredible empowerment of contact tracing. So – a honey of an idea … hey, bee nice …

Anti-vax is the conspiracy theory du jour: . And eating at this BS buffet can kill you. More: . Again, is Tucker Carlson vaccinated?: .

Fake vaccination cards: . Hmm … the same handwriting on vaccinations 3 weeks apart … but different pens. Seems okay to me …

NINE?: . NINE? Fertility treatments appear to be the most probable explanation.

We still have a significant foreclosure problem that remains unresolved: (link replaced 6/12/21). Billions in rent are involved monthly with these 4 million people, and that doesn’t touch the commercial rent problem.

Weekly jobless claims below 500,000 for the first time in over a year: .

So is there oversight or not?: . The Orange Julius argument strikes me as quite strained.

What is the difference between winning the Republican nomination and the office?: . In California, the suggestion here is that everyone believes Newsom will be re-elected. Will Republicans vote for the trans former Olympian? Has Brad Parscale recovered from his nervous breakdown? Enquiring minds want to know. More:  (link replaced 11/3/21).