News for May 29 — A New Global Pandemic Agreement

A new global pandemic agreement: .

Employees’ mental health in sharp decline: . We are seeing signs of this everywhere – children and teens are struggling as well. The pandemic created a disruption in social interaction from which we have not yet recovered. In addition to the suggestion in the article of hybrid work arrangements, the 4 10-hour day schedule is gaining traction as a way of creating a longer weekly “unplug” period.

Early debt ceiling deal reviews mixed, as expected: . As expected, those Republicans whose brand is to complain about everything are staying true to their unwillingness to accept governance responsibility. My sense is that many GOP members realize they got quite a bit by holding a gun to the financial system’s head, and at some point will start praising their own negotiating skills. Meanwhile, the left is also grumbling, but unless someone points out a deal-breaker provision, they will ultimately go along.

WSJ: More on the debt ceiling deal: . Still more: .

The Russian dead-end in its journey to win Bakhmut: . It’s a bit earlier for this declaration. When will the Ukrainian counteroffensive clearly appear, and what will it achieve by the fall? I still think Ukraine’s best bet is a rapid drive somewhere along the front to break Russia’s land bridge to Crimea.

Patriot system helping the Ukrainians: . This story has been out there for a couple of days, however this Newsweek article seems to be the source of most reports. Meanwhile, Russia has been launching night and day missile attacks against Kyiv – Sunday was Kyiv Day, and the Russians wanted to dampen the celebration: . Also, I like the dog’s name: Bublik … It’s Ukrainian/Russian for their version of a bagel: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Texas sets Paxton impeachment trial for August 28: . So Paxton has the summer to try and wriggle off this hook.

WSJ: Wall Street hates a Biden-Orange Julius rematch: . This is news? Everyone hates the idea of a Biden-OJ rematch. But the alternate candidates suggested in this article are truly insane. Jamie Dimon couldn’t be elected dogcatcher. Joe Manchin would run as what? A third-party candidate? There’s no reason for him to do that, except to sweep OJ into the White House. If these are the best ideas Wall Street has, they need to sit this election out. My suggestion for Wall Street? Chris Sununu is a far more interesting candidate than Manchin or Dimon.

When is Orange Julius going to trial?: . Jen Psaki’s information indicates that the Stormy Daniels hush money trial is scheduled to start March 24, 2024, three weeks after Super Tuesday. Her sources expect an indictment from Special Prosecutor Jack Smith before August 8. However, that suggests that trial will not begin before the GOP Convention in August, 2024. And we know that Fani Willis, the Fulton County DA, has signaled that an indictment is coming in early August.

As readers know, I have for some time predicted that we would see multiple indictments before July 4, precisely because later indictments push trials into the presidential campaign (or after). I find Jen’s information disappointing. After all, all of the indictments relate to conduct that commenced before January 20, 2021, and for which there is already a mountain of public evidence. DOJ and the courts have already tried and disposed of the majority of insurrectionist cases from January 6 (2021). Please indict the leader of that movement.

WSJ: Las Vegas tips the odds more in favor of the house: . So in other words, the strategy is to focus on rich, stupid players. That strikes me as a strategy destined to fail. It also reduces, not increases, Las Vegas’ attractiveness as a destination over the long term.