News for May 15 — Genetic Mutation May Delay Alzheimer’s

Genetic mutation may delay Alzheimer’s: . Note that the two cases discussed have a connection. Researchers are now focusing on the genetic mutations involved in these cases as identifying a pathway that may lead to more general treatments.

Fifth Circuit stays ruling restricting Obamacare: . This is another questionable ruling from the Northern District of Texas. Even the conservative Fifth Circuit realizes the notoriety coming from the Texas plains is damaging its credibility.

WSJ: Ozempic demand booms: .

Camp Lejeune water strongly linked to Parkinson’s: .

WSJ: Texas moves to ban gender-affirming care: . Here’s another example of how so-called “small government” conservatives want to deny people (and their families) the right to control their own bodies.

WSJ: Biden NIH nomination: .

China’s economic recovery losing steam: . Global recession is still on the table.

Supreme Court takes another whack at voting rights: . This Court has restricted federal authority to get involved in voting rights issues, and is likely to do so again. This case is particularly egregious, as the South Carolina lawmakers admit they redrew the map specifically to retain GOP seats. The GOP has its current small margin in the House only because of gerrymandering, and so the Court has been allowing increased gerrymandering to maintain white supremacy.

The right way to allocate seats is exemplified by California, where a citizens commission controls redistricting under a tight, rational set of rules that makes gerrymandering much more difficult. The US will likely progress to this approach in the future, provided the current set of white supremacists controlling the GOP do not completely destroy American democracy.

Supreme Court to consider details of Congressional oversight: . The justices are possibly smart enough to realize that both parties are out of power sometime, and government should be transparent to citizens. We will see.

Supreme Court refuses to let Alabama “try again” on lethal injection: . Alabama’s official state slogan should be, “Just like the Third World, but with Racism!” Obviously, it is cruel and unusual punishment to keep trying to execute someone by a failed method. Can we just force Thomas and Alito to move to Alabama, and get thinking people on the Supreme Court? No? Too bad.

Here’s s good reason to work for House and Senate majorities in 2024: . McCarthy is already working hard to hand the House back to Democrats. However, the Democrats have already proven they can pass meaningful legislation when the GOP forces for chaos in our democracy are sidelined. Let’s make sure the Democrats have another chance.

Media darling Vice files for bankruptcy, plans sale: . Earlier reports that George Soros would become a major owner turn out to be accurate. WSJ: More: .

Wells Fargo delivers another screw-up to investors: . A $1 billion settlement tells you the bank knew it was at great risk if the case went to trial. I fail to understand why anyone does business with this mess of a bank. WSJ: More: .

Ukrainian offensive still “near”: . UK providing long-range drones to Ukraine: . WSJ: More: .

Russia launches major air attack on Kyiv early Tuesday: . We can conclude that Ukraine’s air defenses continue to improve.

Is Belarus leader dead?: . Maybe ill but not recovered?: .

Will evangelicals begin to peel away from Orange Julius?: . Not really. At the moment, OJ looks solidly in position to be renominated by the GOP and lose to Biden again. But this moment is 18 months before the general election. The most likely change (in my view) is that as the indictments and verdicts pile up, many in the GOP will become clearer that OJ cannot win a general election. In particular, the suburban women OJ lost last time are not coming back, and abortion bans and his behavior toward women are big reasons why. UPDATE: Many others agree: .

However, suppose OJ is not renominated for whatever reason. The Democrats will then become very nervous that Biden cannot win against a younger candidate. Kamala Harris may help with black and (to a lesser extent) female voters. However, my sense is she’s overall a liability. She seems unprepared to take over should Biden die or become incapacitated. So the failure of the GOP to renominate OJ could significantly shake up the Democrats, because that development may come too late to consider alternatives to Biden.

OJ-appointed special prosecutor ends his 4 years of investigation with … diddly: . Remember, this genius pursued two prosecutions and lost them both. I guess he’s OJ’s type of prosecutor after all.

WSJ: OJ attempts to have Fulton County DA disqualified for investigating OJ’s Georgia election tampering: . This motion seems highly unlikely to succeed, and appears to be just another delaying tactic.

DOJ has IRS remove entire investigative team pursuing Hunter Biden: . While the far right goes overboard with conspiracy theories, the DOJ has some rational basis for taking this action. What is it?

Senate Democrats continue to scrutinize Thomas: . I’m not sure much will come of this. Thomas has received extremely valuable gifts from Crow and others. But did those gifts require gift or income tax reporting, and did Thomas do it?

Former female employee sues Rudy Giuliani for $2 million, alleges sex was a condition of employment: . Her allegations are quite specific, and she says she has audio tapes demonstrating the Rude Dude’s conduct toward her. A decent person would have to settle to avoid embarrassment if her claims are accurate. One wonders what Rudy will do.

Mentally ill constituent attacks Virginia congressman’s staff in field office: . As this and other reporting acknowledges, this person filed a lawsuit against the CIA alleging mental torture. That’s why I did not say “allegedly” mentally ill. WSJ: More: .

Mentally ill 18-year-old with an AR-15 kills 3 and injures 6 in New Mexico: . Here is another tragedy commending the Texas proposal to raise the age of purchase to 21 to everyone’s consideration. How is politics preventing us from acting to end innocent deaths from armed young people who lack a complete cerebral cortex? WSJ: More: .

School board member apparently targets teacher under DeMentis’ “Don’t Say Gay” laws: . Seriously? A Disney movie with a gay character constitutes teaching sexuality? If so, Florida needs to close every K through 12 school under this law. There are other persons present who are considering non-traditional sexual behavior or may be engaging it. Not just students, who could be talking near your child, but teachers, including that “swishy” male French teacher. We must immediately purge the schools of these people, and/or restrict all classroom activity to watching reruns of HeeHaw! DeMentis Uber Alles!

Jim Jordan’s prize witness tells him to stuff it: . If you ever have the chance to play chess against Jim Jordan, take it.

Marjorie Taylor Greene bats 9 of 10 in losing whistleblowers: . Presumably they have been fried by Jewish space lasers. By the way, you can tell they’re Jewish space lasers because they circumcise you before they kill you.

Latino truckers begin boycott of Florida: . DeMentis’ campaign for the Republican presidential nomination gets farther and farther away from converting to a general election victory. So why dump OJ for another loser?

Two unknown Rembrandts found, head to auction: . How rich are these people that they didn’t think to look into these two paintings? I wouldn’t be surprised if their auction price exceeds the $6 million to $10 million estimate by a fair amount.