News for February 27 — Free COVID Tests Go Unclaimed

Free COVID tests go unclaimed: . Hard to say why this is, but you still have your chance to get one.

An analysis of episodic change in COVID variants: . There is an elegant and well-known alternate theory of this episodic mutation. Specifically, the virus survives much longer in people with compromised immune systems. This allows the virus a more favorable environment and timeline in which to mutate. There is existing evidence for this theory. Variants with significant mutations have disproportionately come out of South Africa. South Africa has the largest population of HIV-positive individuals in the world.

COVID rages in Hong Kong: . As we have noted before, Zero COVID being obliterated in Hong Kong, and soon in China. UPDATE: It’s happening in China already from the Hong Kong emigrants: .

WSJ: Russia’s military continues to stumble in Ukraine: .

Ukraine and Russia diplomats will meet at Belarus border: . However, this seems to have little chance of success.

Ukrainians abroad return to fight invasion: .

Ukraine is winning the information war, and appears to have demoralized the Russians: . WSJ: More: . Everyone expected the Russians would overwhelm Kyiv quickly. Not only has that not occurred, but the Russians have apparently not taken any Ukrainian city. And even if they do, the civilian resistance will make it very difficult to retain control. The Ukrainians have a chance, where there once was none. Praise for Zelensky: . WSJ: More: .

The international press has shown long lines at the Ukrainian recruitment offices. So the military is more than replacing the casualties it has suffered so far. Right now Red Julius is on the short end of every stick. The next question is when Russia will establish air superiority. However, as the US is supplying Ukraine with Stinger missiles, this could get a lot uglier for the Russian air force.

Pope calls for fasting and prayers for Ukraine on Ash Wednesday: .

UN’s nuclear concerns about the Ukraine invasion: . Presumably the Russian soldiers who captured Chernobyl are less than thrilled to be there.

Mixing cocktails in Kyiv: . These are some strong cocktails. But will they take out any Russian tanks?

World’s largest airplane destroyed: .

Russia’s coming financial crisis: . Essentially, there will be a run on Russian banks while most of their assets are frozen.

Russian airlines face grounding over financial sanctions: . WSJ: And their air routes have been restricted over Europe and Canada: .

Ukraine submits application against Russia to International Court of Justice: .

Has Putin lost touch with reality?: . The interviewee makes a strong case for her position. However, whatever Putin’s state of mind, the result is a major miscalculation that grows worse each day.

The collapse of the Russian stock market will continue: . Yes, the oligarchs can buy at a cheaper price than before. But this only works out if the stocks recover. With the isolation Russia is facing, that is hardly a safe bet.

Romney calls GOP Putin supporters “almost treasonous”: . Good for Romney for standing up. This clearly applies to Orange Julius and his army of butt lickers: . Putin has now fully earned the title of Red Julius.

Verified charities helping Ukrainians: .